
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Almost-Perfect Meatballs (and Tofu-balls!)

So many causes for celebration! How fortunate are we!

It seems just a fleeting moment ago we were celebrating the completion of Zach's board exams, and now, a brief month later, we are able to solemnize both the conclusion of Zach's first clinical rotation and the arrival of his successful, impressively-high board exam scores! While it seems to me as though the past month hastened past, I know to Zach those days elapsed torpidly and painstakingly as he spent each day checking the computer for his exam scores, so our joy over the good news is completely unbounded.

To celebrate, Zach selected a Greek taverna in Atlanta, called Avra, where we savored the best tzatziki sauce we'd ever tasted - which is extraordinary praise indeed!

Our entrees were equally tantalizing - Zach's lamb with orzo and tomato confit,

and my gyro platter, containing an abundance of deliciousness that resulted in plentiful leftovers to bring home even with Zach diligently sampling my plate as well! (I confess, I chose my entree largely based on the fact that it was accompanied by more of the heavenly tzatziki sauce, which I must attempt to recreate at home in the near future...)

Back at home at the moment, though, I am immensely proud of the fact that I approached the subject of meatballs (and tofu-balls!) once again, with the utmost of success. Meatballs are, of course, an essential, staple menu item - and one of Zach's favorite dishes - with which I've been fiddling for quite some time, trying to achieve the meatball perfection shown to me by my friend Kathleen while we were still back in undergrad, fixing lasagna on the temperamental electric stove I shared with my 4 roommates. I must impress upon y'all that sampling Kathleen's meatballs and veg meatballs alike - which she creates completely with intuition and without a recipe, the product of generations of Italian culinary wisdom - is like sighting the holy grail of meatballs, and then spending the rest of one's days in the kitchen on an endless quest to return.

Thus, until Kathleen and I are able to spend a day in the kitchen again, refreshing my memory as to how exactly she prepares the perfect meatball, I shall need to - in the interest of complete honesty - call these Almost-Perfect Meatballs...

(Which means we think they're seriously awesome.)

Almost-Perfect Meatballs (and tofu-balls!)

1 lb lean ground beef OR 1lb soy/tofu crumbles (such as Morningstar Farms brand)
2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1/4 tsp granulated garlic
2 T minced fresh basil (or 2 tsp dried)
2 T minced fresh parsley (or 1 T dried)
2 eggs, beaten
3/4 cup whole grain breadcrumbs
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp pepper

~ In a large bowl, mix together all the ingredients by hand until well combined.
~ Shape the mixture into balls approx. 1 1/2" in diameter.
~ In a large skillet over medium heat, cook the lovely orbs in 2 T olive oil, turning to allow them to brown on all sides, until they're cooked through! Serve by themselves, or with marinara sauce or guacamole for dipping, or, best of all, serve them scattered atop whole wheat pasta along with your favorite red sauce and some fresh mozzarella...


  1. first of all, it looks like a wonderful meal. congrats.
    second, call me! I miss you guys and even with all this technology I can't get in touch with you.


  2. LOVE the tofu balls!! Great idea using the soy ground beef, I really like Morning Star foods.

    The meals both look and sounds delicious too, thanks for sharing the pics!

  3. wow meatballs with tofu! thats an awesome recipe...I cant wait to try it out...thanks for sharing these healthy meatballs :)

  4. I bet TVP (textured vegetable protein) would work well in these too. yum!

  5. Mmmm. . .tzatziki! Haven't had any in years, it seems. And those tofu balls look great! Perfect, in fact. ;)

  6. i love the idea of making tofu balls, healthy and fulfilling!

  7. Congratulations to Zach! Sounds like celebrations are definately in order. Silly question - what are the board exams for? In any event, sounds like he's a champion!

    Oh my, how great is tzaziki!! I think Greek food is so yummy. I'm looking forward to trying lots of tzaziki when I'm over there in August!

    I'm loving the almost-perfect meatballs/tofu balls. They look deeelicious.

  8. Love your blog. Found it through you coming to mine! Anyway, love Greek food, but the only thing I have attempted was spanekopita...lots of work, but so yummy. Look forward to you trying your hand at tzaztiki.

  9. I actually dig tofu most days of the week. I tend to get tired of chicken, so I trade it for tofu sometimes... yeah weird right :)

    I'm glad the scores went well. I remember my entusiasm after finding out I passed each portion. The waiting is killer.

  10. Congrats to Zach!! What a yummy celebration din :)

    Your meatballs look fantastic and I love that you also made them with tofu, I'll have to try that sometime!
