
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Asparagus with Lime-Parmesan Sauce

After a whirlwind start to the week, including a stretch of time from Monday until yesterday during which I went 48 hours without sleep (thanks to going straight from work, to class, to lab, and then to work again over the course of those three days), I'm back, well rested, and returned to the land of the energetic once more!

and I am incredibly proud of this dish... It's not conceptually unusual, per se, but it looked so lovely, a tower of asparagus and steamed soft egg perched proudly on the plate, that I couldn't resist squeaking "look, look!" multiple times during the assembly, calling Zach over to witness the plating...

Then Zach took a bite, and proclaimed this dish his "new favorite meal ever."

Who could ask for more?

Asparagus with Lime-Parmesan Sauce and Soft Steamed Eggs

2 T lime juice
3 T coarsely grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp spicy brown mustard
6 T olive oil
1 lb asparagus, woody ends removed (and saved for something else scrumptious, like soup!)
4 slices lean smoked ham or turkey (optional)
4 eggs

~ Vigorously whisk together the lime juice, Parmesan, salt, pepper, spicy mustard, and olive oil.
~ Steam the asparagus for 3 to 5 minutes - until crisp tender.
~ If you're using the ham or turkey, stack the 4 slices, roll them up tightly, then cut the roll into 1/4" crosswise. Gently heat the little circles in the microwave or a small oil-less skillet until warm.
~ Coat another skillet with cooking spray, and place over medium heat. When the skillet has warmed, add the eggs, sprinkle with fresh cracked black pepper, and cover. As soon as the top of the yolk regions begin to turn white, remove the skillet from the heat.
~ To assemble, place 3 or 4 medallions of ham or turkey on a plate, if you're using the ham or turkey. Neatly align 10 asparagus spear or so, either on top of the ham or turkey or on top of the plate. Place a soft egg gently atop the asparagus. Drizzle the egg and asparagus spears alike with 2 T or so of the dressing. Repeat the assembly for the remaining 3 servings, and, ta da...


  1. Wow, I don't know how you went 48 hours straight... congrats on still being your smiling self :)

    I know asparagus and lemon are friends, but I never figured to give lime a try. This I will have to do :)

  2. Ooh....that dish looks delicious with the poached eggs on top :)

  3. Looks like something you'd get at a fancy restaurant :)

    I can't believe you made it 48 hours - so glad you're rested up now!

  4. Wow, 48 hours??? I know I couldn't do it! Hope you went home and slept as much as you felt like. And your dish does look beautiful on the plate! I love Zack's comment--is he sweet, or what?!

  5. This. Looks. SO. Good. I am so hungry now:)

  6. Lime and parmesan? freaking cool! And with a soft yolk on top...HEAVEN! I always say a golden-delicious yolk is the perfect adornment for anything and everything!

    And holy cow...I do hope you are well-rested now!

  7. ooohh! I love this combo, poached eggs are the best :) I would be a walking zombie without that much sleep!

  8. I love creamy egg yolk on's like nature's gravy!!
