
Thursday, July 2, 2009

Avocado Omelets

I'm always enthusiastic about recipe ideas and inspiration, but every once in a while a recipe arises that halts my world. As in, literally, all other dispositions come to an abrupt pause, I am completely distracted from all other tasks, and any advance meal planning is rapidly supplanted. Perhaps I am not alone? Does this ever happen to you, my dear readers?

Last week, for example, Kathleen wrote me an email following her recent research trip to New England, describing, at my eager request, the most exciting meals she had encountered during her travels. Contained within the email was the simple, understated line, "I had an avocado omelet..."

My universe pivoted on its axis. Avocado omelet? Avocado omelet? How had I possibly managed to have never fixed an avocado omelet before? So great was my glee at the prospect of preparing an avocado omelet that I couldn't even wait until the weekend, which is when I usually fix us more elaborate breakfasts... No, I absolutely without hesitation had to get up at 4:30AM the next morning in order to create an avocado omelet for Zach and I to share before he had to drive to the hospital for his clinical rotation shift...

I'm fully willing to admit that arising at 4:30AM purely for the sake of cooking an omelet is a wee bit obsessive... but was it worth it? Oh mercy, yes...

Avocado Omelet

*This omelet serves 2 quite nicely - feel free to double and make additional omelets accordingly...

3 egg whites
2 whole eggs
1/2 tsp olive oil
1 avocado, cut into 1/2" cubes
2 oz low fat cheddar cheese, cut into 1/4" cubes
1 T minced parsley

~ Vigorously beat the egg whites and eggs together, and season to taste with salt and pepper.
~ Coat a medium sized skillet with cooking spray, add the olive oil, and heat until the olive oil begins to shimmer. Reduce the heat to medium, and pour in the beaten eggs.
~ Lift up one corner of the cooked egg at a time, tilting the pan to allow the uncooked egg to run underneath, until the eggs are set on the bottom and no more egg is running off the top when you tilt the pan.
~ Scatter 1/2 of the avocado cubes, 2/3 of the cheese cubes, and the parsley down the middle of the omelet, and the omelet over the fillings. Allow the omelet to continue to cook until you see the cheese begin to melt.
~ Divide the omelet in two, and sprinkle each serving with the remaining avocado cubes and cheese cubes...


  1. I LOVE avocado in my omelets! In fact, I think I posted about one the other day...or maybe I didnt, but either way, I had one the other day!!

    Have a good one :)

  2. I think you're totally on to something here, the avacado has a nice creamy feel to it, and I like the colors.

    Did you let out an "oh mercy"? That's something serious tastewise :)

  3. I love this-we had eaten it at a diner on our way back from San Francisco. Hubby of course didn't like it-he's not a big fan of avocado's :)
    Have a great weekend!

  4. Avacado in omlettes sounds good!

  5. Even I might be persuaded to get up at 4:30 to enjoy this :) Great idea. Never thought to make an avocado omelete!

  6. Beautiful way to use avocados! They're one of my favourite fruits!

  7. The pictures are great, the omelet sounds delicious, and it's loaded with heart-healthy mono-unsaturated fats. Perfect!

  8. An avocado omelet sounds SO good! Avocado just makes everything better, doesn't it? :)

  9. My two favourite foods - avocado and omelets. I'm definately stealing this. Delicious!

  10. I had never thought of it before I saw it on your blog too! But it looks sssoooo delicious! :)

  11. Nice fluffy omelets...very healthy and delicious breakfast :)

  12. oh man, avocado is like heaven! I LOVE it! I can just eat it plain with a spoon like ice cream lol :) hmmm . . . avocado ice cream?!
    My car got out of the shop finally! woo-hoo, I was soo incredibly thankful. It's tough living without one for sure when the public transit is non-existent
