
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cranberry Apple Pie with Oatmeal Vanilla Crust

"Please fix me a cranberry pie," Zach asked...

and so I did.

Cranberry Apple Pie with Oatmeal Vanilla Crust

For the crust:
1/3 cup honey
2 T olive oil
2 egg whites, beaten
1/4 cup vanilla soymilk or almond milk
2 tsp vanilla
3 cups oats

For the filling:
1/2 cup honey
3/4 cup pineapple juice
12 oz fresh or frozen cranberries
6 cups diced apple (I used a mixture of Granny Smith and Golden Delicious)
1/4 cup spiced rum

~ To make the crust, whisk together the honey or agave, olive oil, egg whites, vanilla soymilk or almond milk, and vanilla. Stir in the oats until well combined. Coat a 9" deep dish pie pan with cooking spray, then press the crust into the base and sides of the pie pan, reserving 1/2 cup crust mixture.
~ To prepare the filling, combine the honey, pineapple juice, and cranberries in a large pot. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes - until the cranberries begin to pop. Stir in the apples and spice rum, and simmer until the apples soften slightly.
~ Sprinkle the 1/2 cup reserved crust mixture atop the filling.
~ Pour the filling into the prepared crust, and bake for 35 minutes - until the filling is bubbly, the apples are completely tender, and the topping is golden...


  1. Love Zach's request - that pie sounds INCREDIBLE!!

  2. He really asked for a cranberry pie? haha, I cant' help but think that is random! Howeer, it looks amazing :) I really don't eat cranberries a whole lot, but I know they are SO good for you. So, a pie that is healthy, I like it!

  3. I can imagine the flavours of that lovely pie...looks awesome :)

  4. What a great combination for the cranberries--you are so nice to your honey! :) (Bet he loved it).

  5. What a really neat idea for a crust. Love it, Astra! Cranberry/apple/oatmeal is a winning combination for sure.

  6. What a great idea for a pie! I love pie, I love crumble -- yours is a piemble! Thanks also for your comments on my beet risotto post - they made my day.

  7. Wow, that just looks delicious. Usually I do cranberries with pineapple or peach - apples never occurred to me!

  8. Great minds do think alike! Pie for everyone!

  9. I love the sound of the oaty crust - I bet zach was a happy little camper!

  10. I love your unique oatmeal crust, it sounds SO good! So sweet of you to make a pie for your hubby :) The pineapple juice in the filling sounds so perfect too!

  11. Oh, this looks delicious - love the oatmeal crust, so creative :)

  12. mmm . . . nothing like a good piece of pie, yours looks very yummy. I love the crust. I am soooo glad that you liked my post, sometimes I think we just try to be too darn perfect, right?! Your words were truly touching, and we're all working on it for sure ;)

  13. Oatmeal vanilla crust sounds delightful, perfect summer pie

  14. That looks fabulous! Thanks for sharing your recipe : )

  15. Hey anti-oxidant buddy! Speaking of healthy, I bet you'll be feeling great after eating those cranberries. They do tons of great 'cleaning' out things :)

    This has to be your shortest story post ever... I was laughing for sure.

    That's pretty cool on the ask and you shall receive. Ya know I've never tried being that direct with things I'd like. I'm going to let you know how that goes :)

  16. Yum!!! That looks so good. A dessert treat that can be enjoyed year round!!
