
Friday, July 31, 2009

Pure and Simple Guacamole

Shortly after Zach and I first met, I discovered that he loved guacamole. Along with the other dishes I was rapidly adding to my mental list of Zach's favorites - Cheesecake,

Pecan Pie,

and Balsamic-Drizzled Salads

- along with all these other bits of deliciousness, I immediately began preparing guacamole on a ridiculously regular basis. Zach would show up... and there would be guacamole waiting for him. One would think he would have tired of the endless retinue of avocado, but somehow, he didn't... and, over the months, and now years, we've created an equally endless variety of guacamole variations. One of my favorites is Zach's curried guacamole, but by far the one we prepare the most is our Pure and Simple Guacamole.

If by now you've scanned down to the recipe, you might be puzzled and even a bit indignant... Guacamole without onions? Unthinkable, right? Or tomatoes, how about some tomatoes? Or maybe a bit of garlic?

While we love guacamole with all of the above, and more, there is something so alluring, so sensual, about the pure taste of avocado dancing solo. Just a little lime, a little chili powder, a little sea salt... Heaven.

The next morning, savor the leftovers for breakfast or lunch with spinach and Swiss cheese on whole wheat toast...

Our Favorite Pure and Simple Guacamole

1 ripe avocado
1 T lime juice
1 tsp chili powder
Plentiful good sea salt to taste

~ Mash everything together, and savor with baked corn chips or whole wheat pita, or dolloped on top of a salad...

or wrapped up jauntily in a sandwich, ready to head off to class!


  1. All kinds of yummy looking things! I especially like the looks of those cheesecakes ; )

  2. Perfect recipe! Who needs onions and tomato?? Avocado is SO GOOD it doesn't need much to make it taste amazing when mashed up. Like the potato! The sandwich looks deeelicious! I love simple foods that taste amazing.

  3. I'll agree with you on the simple avocado thing. There's no need to have it wrestle with onions. Less is more, right? I love the sandwich idea too... anything portable wins in my book :)

  4. I could gobble up all your simple guac, it looks perfect! It's really all about the avocados :)

  5. you know I can just eat avocado with a spoon and I'd be happy! looks delish :)
