
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Spicy Mushroom Melts

Remember the colorful sand art we created back when we were kids? Today, I had a moment of nostalgia as I made spice art instead...

As I'm sure you've already deduced from the long litany of biscuits and gravy, pecan waffles, and spinach-potato frittatas, Zach and I are a wee bit obsessed with weekend brunch dishes.

This weekend, Saturday morning arrived with classic breakfast burritos, including whole wheat tortillas, black bean and corn salsa, low-fat sour cream, low-fat cheddar cheese, scrambled egg whites, and homemade unfried refried beans:

I then worked last night, Saturday night, which, I have discovered, still provides the perfect timing for returning home Sunday morning, taking a refreshing nap, and then fixing brunch, of course...

This morning, though, I was in the mood for a little something different... I can't take full credit for the fiery spice rub, discovered within the current issue of Vegetarian Times, which inspired these mushroom sandwiches and was so perfectly and flavorfully balanced that even a notoriously disobedient recipe follower such as myself left the ingredients only a bit more than slightly altered, but I can take a modicum of modest credit for the end result...

Spicy Mushroom Melts

*Note: this recipe makes 2 main-dish sandwiches - feel free to double or triple accordingly...

*For the Vegetarian Times BBQ Rub (my version)*

1/8 cup raw sugar
1/8 cup paprika
4 1/2 tsp black pepper
4 1/2 tsp sea salt
1 tsp granulated garlic
1/2 tsp celery seed
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
~ Shake all the ingredients together in a spare spice jar until well combined. Store the extra for future spicy endeavors...

*For the Mushroom Melts*

8 oz sliced button mushrooms
2 T olive oil, divided
1 T Vegetarian Times BBQ Rub
1/2 onion, chopped
1/2 cup shredded smoked cheddar cheese
1/2 cup shredded reduced fat sharp cheddar cheese
2 whole wheat pitas (or oat bran pitas, if you can find them - we just discovered them and they're fantastic!), each separated into 2 halves and lightly toasted
4 tsp light canola or olive oil mayo

~ Drizzle 1 T olive oil over the mushrooms, and toss to coat.
~ Add the BBQ rub, and toss to coat again.
~ In a skillet over medium-high heat, saute the onion in the remaining 1 T olive oil until the onion is limp and translucent.
~ Add the mushrooms, and continue to saute, stirring frequently, until the mushrooms are tender and have released their juices.
~ Reduce the heat to low, scatter the cheddar cheeses on top, and allow the mushrooms to sit happily in the pan until the cheese has melted.
~ Spread each whole wheat pita with 2 tsp light mayo. Scoop half the mushroom and cheese mixture on top of 1 half of each pita, and top with the other pita half.
~ Serve immediately, all warm and gooey...


  1. Mmmm ... just about anything with mushroom is okay in my book! ; )

  2. I love how dreamy and nostalgic this entry is. I looove brunch treats, too -- this one looks great!

  3. Mushrooms always get my attention. Great spice blend. I can imagine how good this was!

  4. I am so in love with mushrooms, and that recipe sounds great! I actually just made a HUGE thing of grilled mushrooms yesterday, and I am going to ATTEMPT to make them last throughout the week!

    I remember make sand designs as a child, oh to be kid again.

  5. Thats a nice spice blend...must have tasted delicious with the mushrooms :)

  6. The Awesome Post Checklist:

    -Brunch - Check
    -Mushrooms - Check
    -Easy to Make - Check
    -Oat Bran Pita? - Cool - Check
    -Sweet Spice Rub - Check

    That's about all I really need, but I could go on and on. From one brunch fan to another, my hat goes off to you buddy. You are welcome in my neck of the NC woods any lazy Sunday :)

  7. What a yummy versatile spice blend and it's so pretty in the jar like that!

  8. wow I love your spice art - and I love breakfasts too - I was really pleased to see your breakfast burrito - I had a go at one with tofu scramble recently but have never seen a real one

  9. The rub sounds amazing! I bet it would be great on so many different things :)

    PS 1950's housewives rock :D

  10. mmm . . . melty cheese, it looks so good and comforting :) Love the spice blend. I'm so glad you liked the pictures of nawlins! that city rocks my socks off. I'm still dreaming of the seafood there :)

  11. am totally drooling right now! Looks freaking amazng, and I ADORE brunchy foods!!
