
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Whole Wheat Macaroni with Spinach and Mozarella

I adore whole wheat elbow macaroni. It seems like such happy food, and it makes me feel like a kid again - even though I didn't actually have elbow macaroni as a child, because my mother didn't like it for some reason, but I always imagined it was the sort of food children would love. I think my hypothesis about kids and elbow macaroni is true, too - the first time I fixed chicken Parmesan for my friend Chalete's adorable, sweet, wonderful 5 year old son, who's usually very shy about trying "new" dishes, I served it over whole wheat elbow macaroni and he inhaled two whole plates, roasted garlic and chiffonaded ribbons of fresh basil and all.

I especially adore the very grown-up flavors in the Macaroni and Paneer Cheese from Lisa of Lisa's Kitchen. Lisa is an incredibly talented vegetarian chef, able to delight the palate with Indian dishes, Indian-fusion dishes, and any other cuisine imaginable! Every time I visit Lisa's blog I find myself bookmarking a recipe, from curries to scones! As soon as I read Lisa's recipe for Macaroni and Paneer Cheese I did a little dance of delight, pressed the print button, and could hardly wait until Friday evening to prepare it for our supper! Well, silly me even took a study break Friday afternoon to go grocery shopping, and still managed to come home with another 5 lbs of mozzarella (yep, I went to the bulk foods store again!) and no paneer. Sigh. Thus began the emergence of a variation on Lisa's gorgeous original. While I fully intend to fix Lisa's recipe properly very soon, the results of my experimentations were so scrumptious that I absolutely had to share them, with gratitude to Lisa for the inspiration!

Whole Wheat Macaroni with Spinach and Mozzarella

(Inspired by Lisa's Macaroni and Paneer Cheese)

2 cups whole wheat elbow macaroni
2 T olive oil
1/2 tsp brown mustard seeds
3 giant handfuls baby spinach leaves
1 large tomato, chopped
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp Cayenne
1 tsp paprika
1 1/2 cups grated part-skim mozzarella

~ Cook the whole wheat macaroni according to package directions, reserving 3/4 cup cooking water before draining the rest of the water, rinsing the macaroni, and setting it aside.
~ In a large skillet over medium heat, stir-fry the mustard seeds until they begin to pop.
~ Add the spinach, a handful at a time, allowing each handful to wilt as you stir in the next handful.
~ Once the spinach has wilted, add the tomato, salt, Cayenne, and paprika, and stir just until heated through.
~ Reduce the heat to low, and stir in the macaroni, reserved cooking water, and mozzarella cheese. Continue to stir just until the mozzarella is melted... Then serve warm...


  1. Paneer used to a HOT fave when we were back in India.Now I've switched to tofu.
    This looks great-must try both versions!!

  2. Very interesting to use paneer with pasta, and great idea to use mozzarella as substitute. Yum!

    By the way, you can make paneer really easily. There are lots of recipes online, but it's basically just heating milk, adding some vinegar, then draining and squeezing the curds in cheese cloth or a dish towel for a few hours.

  3. Aren't you a sweetie! Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm delighted my recipe inspired you to make your own version of a favorite classic.

  4. Yum, looks great! I love making unhealthy dishes more healthy, it's so fun!

  5. have taken mac and cheese to a whole new level...I love your healthier version...looks so creamy and delicious :)

  6. Man I can NEVER find whoel wheat elbow pasta!!! I've found just about ever other shape... but never elbow!

  7. this is such a wonderful and healthy dish, i adore macaroni and cheese!

  8. As ususal....looks mouth watering!

  9. You make it look sooooo hearty and delicious.
