
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Banana Coconut Chocolate Cookies

On December 4th, National Cookie Day occurred. I hereby come forth to blog about this December holiday... in January. Given that over a month and a half has passed since this culinary holiday, asking "Why on earth is she dragging all this up now?" would be a completely reasonable question...

Well, amidst a busy work schedule last week, the delightful but flurried drive up to the Carolinas this past weekend, plunging back into especially hectic nights at work this week, and all the drama, doctors' appointments, and worries about my hip injury, I confess I've been a little dazed lately... and amidst the state of a somewhat foggy brain, the strangest forms of inspiration arise. Such as last night, when, as I was puttering about getting ready for work, packing up some eggplant and brown rice for my 1AM "lunch" at work, and so forth, I suddenly stopped in mid-step and mused out-loud: "I still haven't blogged about National Cookie Day..."

Back down onto the counter went the mug I'd been holding, flying onto the couch went the socks I'd been about to put on, and upstairs I zoomed to write about the amazing cookies we still so vividly remember, baked in celebration of National Cookie Day: The Banana Coconut Chocolate Chip cookie recipe from Clean Food, written by Terry Walters, and presented by Ricki of the famous Diet Dessert and Dogs! I am such an avid fan of Ricki's gorgeously written, brilliantly witty blog, and I am also in awe of her photography, so be sure to visit Diet Dessert and Dogs for Ricki's review of Clean Food and for Ricki's gorgeous photos of these cookies, which are far more artful than my own humble pictures! :-)

I adapted the recipe just a bit, as necessitated by the contents of my pantry and the wild, cold winds outside on this particular day that prevented me from otherwise jaunting to the grocery store... Oh, Oh, were these cookies a success! Even Zach, who's not usually a coconut fan, ooohed and ahhed over the cookies, and I must admit I was thoroughly delighted with them as well...

Happy Cookie Day, Y'all! Just bit belatedly... but then again, let's make every day a celebration, shall we?

Banana Coconut Chocolate Cookies

(Adapted from the recipe on Ricki's Diet Dessert and Dogs)

2 very ripe bananas, mashed
1/8 cup canola oil
1/8 cup applesauce
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup rolled oats
2/3 cup whole wheat flour
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup shredded unsweetened coconut
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips (at least 60% cacao)

~ Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Coat baking sheets with cooking spray.
~ Whip together the bananas, canola oil, maple syrup, and vanilla until frothy.
~ Gently stir together the oats, whole wheat flour, baking soda, and coconut.
~ Stir the wet ingredients into the dry, until the dough is just mixed.
~ Fold in the chocolate chips.
~ Drop the cookie dough by rounded tablespoonfuls onto the baking sheets.
~ Bake for 14 minutes - until just lightly browned.
~ Allow the cookies to cool on the baking sheets, or serve them warm!


  1. It's never too late for cookies! These look so yummy and love how healthy they are!

  2. I never knew there was a national cookie day. In my house you would have thought that was yesterday. Ryan went to the bakery for some rolls and came home with a bunch of cookies. They were so good...but yours look better.

  3. Darn it, I had no idea it was NAtional Cookie day, but hey, if it was back in December, chances are I ate a cookie on that day anyway! I need to get a calender that says what day it is, "nationally" everyday, I think I'm missing out!

    These cookies sound perfect. Nick would love them, although I'm not supposed to eat coconut, blah. The combination sounds wonderful.

  4. Is it fair to have just one cookie day a year? I think these cookies deserve their own honorary day :-)

  5. cookies are good no matter what day it is :)

  6. tes cookies sont à croquer, j'adore
    bonne journée

  7. Delicious and very flavorful cookies!

  8. What a wonderful flavor combination for cookies. I love it.

  9. These look incredible! I can't wait to try them out! Thanks for the kind words on my blog. I was definitely excited to read yours today. Consider me hooked!

  10. Gotta love National Cookie Day! I am honored that you chose those cookies for your contribution. :D

    Your version sounds great--and sooo healthy! And I totally understand "so busy you've missed some important dates. . ." (or blog posts! Sorry this comment is so late!). :)
