
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Souffle Brownies

To each and every one of you, my beautiful readers, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude for your incredibly generous, inspiring, and kind comments on my previous post. I am so overwhelmingly humbled and touched by your words... Please know that your warmth and thoughtfulness uplifts me every day!

I wish I could have all of your over to our home, and bake something delicious for you... Instead, all I can do is humbly share my latest dessert recipe, with warm hugs across the web for each of you!

I tend to make a little something sweet for us on Fridays, in celebration of the weekend, and last Friday we were in the mood for some lighter brownies - brownies both lighter in terms of health and in texture and personality... Granted, this is unusual for me, the one who usually longs for the gooiest, stickiest, fudgiest brownies possible, but as I also love mousses and souffles, I thought perhaps the two passions could be combined... As soon as I tasted the final results I immediately pictured a souffle... and hence our souffle brownies were created! Still rich with the deep flavors of chocolate and coffee, but with an effervescent, melt-in-your mouth texture, they were absolutely perfect with a garnish of white chocolate and whipped cream...

Souffle Brownies

1/4 cup applesauce
7 T light vegan marg or butter
9 T cocoa powder
1 cup honey
4 egg whites
1 whole egg
1/2 cup strong brewed coffee
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/4 cup all purpose flour
1/4 cup white chocolate chips

~ Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line an 8X8 baking pan with aluminum foil, and coat the foil with cooking spray.
~ In a large saucepan over medium-low heat, stir the applesauce, marg or butter, and cocoa powder until the marg/butter melts.
~ Remove the pan from the heat, and whisk in the honey until combined.
~ Whisk together the 4 egg whites and the egg, then whisk the eggs into the cocoa mixture.
~ Whisk in the coffee, vanilla, and salt.
~ Stir in the flours until well combined.
~ Pour the batter into the baking pan, and bake for approx 45 minutes - until the center is set but some dough still clings to a toothpick inserted in the brownies.
~ Immediately scatter the white chocolate chips over the warm brownies, allow them to cool in the pan, and serve with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream...


  1. Always here for ya!! :)

    STUNNING brownies - mmm...

  2. wow thats so tempting with the icecream on top...thanks for sharing this lovely dessert with us :)

  3. Oooo so chocolaty, love that last click with vanilla ice cream...craving for one right now!

  4. Oh wow, I was already drooling from your pictures, then you had to throw that last one in there with the ice cream on top!! Yum. I love that you used some whole wheat flour! And coffee?? That's great. Thanks for the recipe!

  5. I love fudgy brownies and at first thought these would not be at all fudgy but the picture has convinced me that this is a recipe worth trying - it looks scrumptious

  6. Wow! This brownies is heavenly!

  7. Wow, very interesting ingredients there. I never would have thought to mix the honey and everything like that. Pretty cool! You do make a mean brownie though, so I trust you whole heartedly, and totally wish I could come by for one of those :)

  8. omg!! vat a moist looking yummy and gorgeous looking brownies!! hehe.. m drooling already!! yumm!!

  9. Of course, you know I just can't help to comment because you are just so inspirational. Your brownies look to die for and a bit healthier too (yay, genius!) I like cake-y, slightly doughy brownies. mmmm . . . yours look like yum, what a great way to celebrate the weekend!

  10. Haha, I shall slurp that up with gusto! And BURP loudly because it's a polite sign of contentment! Thank you my dear!

  11. I can't wait to try these! I was looking for a healthy brownie recipe yesterday afternoon amongst my many cookbooks and none appealed to me -- this sure does! I plan to sprinkle coarsely chopped dark chocolate over the top instead of white :-)

  12. These look mouth watering!

  13. Nice twist on brownies! And the white chocolate-ice cream combo is definitely divine!

  14. Yum, these look so good! And I love how you lightened them up. I've very interested in the addition of coffee - I've only seen that in cakes before!
