
Friday, August 7, 2009

Vacation Memories, and Toasted Chickpeas

Firstly, I would like to apologize to my wonderful readers for not being able to post quite as frequently and regularly as usual, and for being a bit behind on reading all of your wonderful blogs... Unfortunately, my now "official," regular schedule on Sundays through Thursdays only allows me to be at home for an hour or two each day, giving me just enough time to shower, change clothes, take a quick nap, and then dash off to work or class again! This rather surreal routine makes it quite difficult to obtain sufficient sleep or to do many of the things I love most, such as cooking and spending time with Zach, but I am trying to constantly remind myself that my schedule results from the blessings of having a job and being able to go back to school. If I'm ever absent in the blog world for a few days as a result, please know that you, my dear readers and beautiful blog-friends, are always in my thoughts!

Despite all the chaos of the past few days, I think my attempt to maintain a vacation mind-frame has been helping, as I haven't been quite as stressed and frazzled as I think I would have been otherwise! (aka I've been frazzled this much, but not quite frazzled this much... :-)

Helping me float through the days, the memories of our blissful vacation weekend linger, a treasured gift...

Here you can see the view that awaited us last weekend as we arrived at the bed and breakfast, housed in an 1830's farmhouse... I could feel myself growing more relaxed by the moment, dwelling in this peaceful setting...

We were the only guests at the B&B, so we were allowed to select whichever room we liked! Here's Zach testing out the bed in one of the rooms...

Here, Zach demonstrates that the sloped ceiling is not tall enough for him... :-)

The lovely little sitting area outside the room we eventually chose...

Zach, ready to go hiking... (and probably thinking "hurry up...")

Here's me, dressed for dinner later on that night... I think I've posted blog pictures of me in this shirt before - it's one of my favorites! :-)

Before dinner we walked around the tiny town, and discovered a little, random dive bar that specialized in German beers! Zach finally got to try the Paulaner Oktoberfest!

Later on, at dinner, The Best steamed collard greens I've ever tasted... I love when restaurants devote as much care to their vegetable side dishes as to the main entrees!

After dinner, we played mini-golf! Zach won, but only by 3 points, which is a huge accomplishment for me! :-) Then we savored decadently, gloriously, gooey chocolate ice cream for dessert... :-)

Vineyard touring the next day, amidst perfect sunshine and a mountain breeze...

Our final morning in the mountains, we lingered over lusciously frothy, creamy mochas...

...and jalapeno corn biscuits before driving home.

And so, in celebration of moments of treasured simplicity amidst our hectic lives, I would like to share with you a gentle, whisper-soft comfort dish, one so unflustering it barely needs a recipe at all, a tale of toasted chickpeas keeping contented company with garlic and rosemary...

Toasted Chickpeas with Rosemary and Feta

2 cloves garlic, minced
1 T olive oil
2 (15 oz) cans chickpeas, drained
2 T fresh rosemary
1/4 cup vegetable broth
1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese

~ In a medium skillet, saute the garlic in the olive oil over medium-high heat until the garlic just begins to brown.
~ Stir in the chickpeas and rosemary, season to taste with salt and pepper, and continue to saute until the chickpeas turn golden and crispy on the outside, and begin to stick to the pan.
~ Decrease the heat to medium, pour in the broth, and deglaze the pan while stirring quickly, scraping the bottom to loosen the wonderfully flavorful browned bits.
~ Simmer for just a bit longer, stirring frequently, until most of the broth has been absorbed.
~ Remove from the heat, fold in the feta cheese, and season to taste with salt and pepper once more. Serve immediately, hot and crispy!


  1. Don't apologize!! Just post when you can :-)

    What a charming B&B!! And wowza, that ice cream... mmm...

    And hooray for chickpeas to balance out the ice cream, hahaha :-D

  2. The B&B looks so nice and quaint! What exactly is Zack testing in that picture??.....looks like he has something else on his mind ;)

    Have you or Zack ever tried Paulaner Hepheweizen (ok can't spell that). It's Nick and my FAVORITE beer of all time!

  3. Sounds like you had the perfect vacation :)

    I still haven't tried toasting chickpeas, but I really want to because they are such a healthy snack - love the feta in there too!

  4. Too sweet :) Enjoy those precious moments. Every dinner counts too!

  5. I want to go there! A few days of vacation is transforming.

    I love the toasted chickpeas. I will have to try them. I love chickpeas but haven't tried them crispy in garlic olive oil

  6. That's a cute little place there. I like the slopped ceilings, it just shows you how much history it has :)

    Glad you guys had an awesome time, I would of loved to go wine tasting, that's something I haven't done in awhile.

    And you had me at collard greens :)

  7. I so love the look of those chickpeas.

  8. Sorry life is so hectic--but your vacation looks like it will hold you for a while! Love the look of those chickpeas. I've only ever roasted them in the oven before--must try this version!

  9. Don't worry about posting. Sleep is more important! I make sure to check every few days, so I'll see your new posts when they appear!

  10. sounds like a wonderful relaxing weekend to me! Man when my roomie was working 80 hours a week and going to school at night to get her RN I never saw her. You can do it!!

  11. I loved this post! and I adore looking at trip pictures. Chris and I just got back from a little camping at a b&b in cedar city and we were just looking over all our pictures and I about got teary eyed! It looked like such a wonderful time :) I just love vacations like that.
    Oh my gosh, I have to tell you just how much I appreciated your comment to my post, you are just such a wonderful person! I truly admire your career as a nurse and your thoughtful, caring words and personality. I really felt bad afterwards getting readers involved with something like this and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your great comment. and I'm loving the toasted chickpeas . . healthy, comforting and economical to boot! Have a wonderful day and hang in there with your hectic schedule :)

  12. Wow seems you had a wonderful time :)
    Roasted chickpeas look delicious and flavorful!
