
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Butterscotch Whole Wheat Banana Bread

If last weekend was a work-all-weekend non-weekend (which it was), and the weekend before that one was peacefully and pleasantly uneventful (which it was), this weekend has been, well, simply a whirlwind! I have to work part of the weekend despite the fact that it's a "holiday" weekend here in the states (which is OK, just part of working in the health care field!), and poor Zach has the lingering end of a dreadful head cold. But... unlike last weekend, this time I did, to my ecstatic delight, have at least part of the weekend off from work, and in a flurry of activity we've managed to drive to North Carolina and back,

study for our respective upcoming exams, give the entire house an end-of-summer top to bottom cleaning, organizing, and scrubbing, wash the cats in preparation for their yearly trip to the vet,

and clean our cars. I have to confess, I'm thoroughly proud of us. :-)

While this might not have been the most relaxing of weekends, Zach and I do love weekends of any sort, and while I might not be able to spend the entirety of Labor Day weekend at home, working all of last weekend and part of this weekend simply means I am blessed with a stable job, for which I am continuously thankful. Even more wonderful, my job, much like this weekend, is never boring! During my last shift, while I was processing paperwork for a seemingly incessant stream of newly admitted patients, the majority of my brain was wondering just what I would do if my 6-foot 7-inch tall, 320-pound patient, whose doctor had written instructions for him to "ambulate with assistance only," decided he did want to get out of bed and walk around, and then capsized on top of me in the process... Thankfully, he decided to stay put for the night and I arrived home safely, just in time to add a bit of baking to the weekend agenda!

And really, what could be more perfect to fuel a satisfyingly productive, dizzily busy weekend than butterscotch banana bread?

I adapted this lovely bread from a glorious recipe created by Dr. Adam of Baking with Dynamite... Dr. Adam is a chiropractor, a bodybuilder, a fabulous wit, an incredibly talented baker, an encouraging fitness counselor, a wealth of healthy living information, and an awesome blogger buddy for whose friendship I am incredible grateful. Dr. Adam, thank you for this gorgeous recipe, and for all the wonderful smiles! You rock!

Butterscotch Whole Wheat Banana Bread
(Adapted from Dr. Adam's Recipe)

1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup raw turbinado sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
2 very-ripe bananas
2 tsp vanilla
2 egg whites, beaten
1 T canola oil
1/2 cup skim milk
3/4 cup butterscotch chips

~ Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Coat a standard loaf pan with cooking spray.
~ In a large bowl, stir together the whole wheat flour, raw sugar, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon.
~ In a separate bowl, mash the bananas (I use a potato masher for this - it works wonders!).
~ Continuing with the potato masher or a fork, muddle in the vanilla, beaten egg whites, canola oil, and skim milk.
~ Gently fold the wet ingredients into the dry until just combined.
~ Fold in the butterscotch chips.
~ Pour the batter into the loaf pan, and bake for 40 to 50 minutes - until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Serve the bread warm, or let it cool in the loaf pan and then turn it out onto a plate... I definitely recommend serving the bread warm, of course... :-)



  1. WHEW!! Busy busy as always :)

    Okay, you had me at "butterscotch" with that sweetbread - holy yum!!

  2. The bread looks amazing. I have never heard of such an awesome combination of bread flavors!! I love butterscotch.

    I know what you mean about sort of likeing being busy at work. I would much rather have a "busy" job than a "boring" one. Of course, it's also nice to have weekends off...but it really sounds like you enjoy your job for the most part, and that's super important. I really love the fact that you can cook for your patients sometimes, I just think that's so awesome. Are you gonna bring them some of this yummy bread??? haha, no keep it for yourself!

  3. Looks like you are still busy :) The bread does look gorgeous...adding butterscotch chips to banana bread is such a great idea :)

  4. Butterscotch and banana sounds a wonderful combination, the bread looks beautifully baked!

  5. Hey "Astra"'s your fellow LM member...I modified this recipe slightly to create pumpkin butterscotch muffins (I don't have a proper bread pan). We'll talk soon and I'll give you details. Suffice it to say--they're yummy.

  6. What a yummy banana bread - butterscotch sounds great with bananas! I hope you enjoyed what part of the weekend you had off work!

  7. BUTTERSCOTCH! And banana! Whole wheat, too! A winner recipe! Yum!

    you're just like me. ppl think I'm crazy when I say I like a packed schedule. There is nothing worse than sitting there with nothing to do except twiddle your thumbs.

  8. Well it really sounds like you get plenty of calcium, as long as you are taking in at least 3 servings of milk/yogurt/cheese (cottage cheese is only 10% DV of calcium). As it gets colder out, I would definitely recommend taking a supplement, such as Viactive, that has vitamin D and calcium. During the summer it may not be as necessary, but it surely would not hurt!

  9. wash the cats??? hahahahahahah

    bread sure does look good!

  10. I think someone could put butterscotch on doggy poo and I would still eat it. Will definitely give this s whirl.

  11. wow, this looks wonderful, I have to make it! I'd never think to add butterscotch chips!! busy girl you are :) I can't believe you had a big horse fall on you and now a patient! I'm glad you were okay with the horse, that's scary.

  12. Hey I just saw a butterscotch bread post here, and I was like "wait a minute..."

    Thanks so much! I'm glad you liked it, and your kind words really made me smile. I think you're a great buddy too, and it's nice to have someone that I can talk to on a science nerd level... if you know what I mean?

    How was NC? Lovely place, right?
