
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Baked Chickpea Falafel

On Friday night, Zach and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary!!

(If you happen to recall the post about our 2nd anniversary, you may at this point be shaking your head in confusing, wondering "wasn't their anniversary in October last year?" If so, you'd be correct... but last October, we weren't yet engaged, and this year, we decided our engagement anniversary trumps our previous anniversary date! Have an "engaged for a year" anniversary is just one of the many lovely aspects of having a long, dreamy engagement... :-)

For our first anniversary, in 2007, we shared a romantic dinner at a little Italian restaurant, and last year, for our second anniversary, we spent the day at a vineyard, so this year we decided to be a bit more casual and quirky, and drove downtown to visit our now official, long-standing favorite destination, The Brick Store Pub. The atmosphere was perfectly festive without being too boisterous, and we laughed and reminisced for hours over a positively heavenly meal.

Then, back home to exchange presents... :-)

(Dragon Age for Zach...)

(and a copy of Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human, for me! :-)

The next day, yesterday afternoon, I wanted to fix a special lunch for Zach, and somehow it dawned on me how long it's been since I've fixed... falafel. Since Zach became enraptured with falafel from the very first time I introduced him to this bit of chickpea magic, I decided to fill the house with the alluring scents of cumin and coriander... While I've prepared dozens of renditions of falafel before, this time I wanted to conjure a light, baked falafel, so I fixed a dough sticky enough to hold together in the oven, but still light enough to provide that wonderful, crispy-moist sensation upon each nibble, then simply coated each little, round falafel with olive oil cooking spray so the outsides would still be golden brown, ready to coat with hummus and fold inside a pita bread...

Perhaps it's strange that I fix Zach falafel as part of his anniversary present, instead of us going out again for lunch, or perhaps it's odd that I consider the joy of being able to cook lunch for us to be part of my present... but so it is with us. Anniversaries, in a cozy, happy, foodie household. May we be blessed with a lifetime of more...

Baked Chickpea Falafel

1 (15 oz) can chickpeas, drained
3 rounded T tahini
2 egg whites
2 tsp lemon zest
2 tsp lemon juice
1 1/2 tsp cumin
1 tsp coriander
1/2 tsp chili powder
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
2 T dried minced onion
2 T minced parsley
Olive oil cooking spray

~ Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Coat a baking sheet with cooking spray.
~ In a food processor, pulse the chickpeas, tahini, egg whites, lemon zest, lemon juice, cumin, coriander, chili powder, garlic, and salt until a thick paste is formed.
~ Transfer the paste to a bowl, and stir in the whole wheat flour, baking powder, dried onion, and parsley.
~ Using your hands, roll the dough into 1 1/2" diameter balls, just as though you were making sugar cookies, and place the balls on the baking sheet.
~ Coat the top and sides of each falafel ball with a mist of olive oil cooking spray.
~ Bake the falafel for 20 minutes - until the outsides are golden brown.
~ Serve warm, with hummus and pita!




  2. happy anniversary to you! I think falafel is a great gift :-)

  3. I've been waiting for a baked falafel recipe! Yum--can't wait to try it!

    And Happy Anniversary! The HH and I just decided that we were going to celebrate BOTH dates--so we effectively have 2 anniversaries a year! Double the fun that way ;)

  4. Happy Anniversary!
    Baked falafel look yummy and healthy!

  5. An engagement anniversary? I like it! any excuse for food and gifts, right??
    I think your falafel beats anything you would have ordered going out to lunch! I've never actually made homemade falfel, I've only used the Fantastic boxed mix, which is really tasty. Again, Nick doesn't like chickpeas....ugh Nick! Although he HAS tried falafel and liked I should try some more :)
    Have a good one!

  6. Happy Anniversary! I love any excuse to celebrate. We got married quickly so no 1 year engaged anniversary for us (with the whole moving overseas with the military thing, which was unexpected, we were glad our wedding was even in time for me to be on the military orders). Love the falafel. My stepdad is Egyptian and his mom makes the best falafel ever and even better is her hummus.

  7. Happy Anniversary!! : )

    Baked falafel sounds wonderful!!

  8. Happy Aniversary for you guys! I think you should keep having parties every few months, just to keep it interesting :)

    Neat book by the way, I'm wondering how cooking did in fact make us human :)

  9. OH, HAPPY 3rd Anniversary! Lol, you guys are just SO cute.

    Lucky man, to have such a great cook for a future wife! ;-)

  10. Happy, Happy Belated 3rd Anniversary, Astra and Zac!

    I love that you're celebrating your engagement anniversary ... it IS something to celebrate and, yes, may you indeed be blessed with many, many more!!

    I'm also loving the baked falafel recipe. I adore falafel, but never make it because I tend to stay away from frying things. I will try this one for sure. Thank you!!

  11. what a sweet entry -- Happy anniversary!!!

  12. Happy Belated Anniversary...and what a fantastic treat..just love em..

  13. Happy Anniversary!!! I think that's what Chris and I had in September since we're not married, but it's still a wonderful occasion to celebrate. You guys are too darn cute! I think cooking for a gift is really the best kind, we love to do that sort of thing too :) I'm going to have to try these because I love falafel, but have never added flour and leavening to them, awesome!

  14. Happy belated Anniversary.

    I love the look of those falafels, baked as well!

  15. Happy Belated Anniversary!!Wow....falafel looks absolutely delicious and tempting..I would love to have a few piece...:)

  16. First of all happy anniversary to you both..secondly thanks for sharing one of my favourite dishes of all time!!!

  17. Happy Anniversary!! It sounds like you had the perfect celebration :) I've been meaning to make falafel - yours is making my mouth water!
