
Monday, January 11, 2010

Whole Wheat Oatmeal Cookies

On Thursday night last week, as I was driving to work, I was greeted by a completely unsuspected visitor - snow!

(Our street in the snow...)

While the northern parts of our continent have been well-coated with snow for quite some time, snow in early January here in Georgia is unheard of - if we do have our annual, singular snowfall at all, it usually arrives in late January or early February, right before Spring sweeps in to rescue us from this mysterious white stuff. Even more strangely, this snow has stayed - our snow typically arrives in the evening, creates a picturesque nighttime winter scene, and then the following day temperatures return to around 45 or 50 degrees F, and the snow slips away quietly once more. This week, though, temperatures haven't made it above freezing at all - ever since Thursday, we've been experiencing a high of around 30 degrees F in the daytime, and painfully chilling temperatures in the single digits at night. Now, I went to college up north, where I drove a 4-wheel drive pickup truck that I would merrily - and perhaps a bit unwisely - drive through two feet of snow on a regular basis, so I fully recognize that so much uproar over a single, 1-inch dusting of snow might be considered a bit reactionary. Nonetheless, I've been back home in the South long enough to succumb to the viewpoint that the sight of a single snow flurry might portend the apocalypse - which, at the very least, adds a bit of drama to everyday life.

(Our house in the snow...)

Needless to say, we stayed in the entire weekend... Surprisingly, we didn't feel the least bit cramped, either - the simple pleasure of staying cozily at home, thankful for our warm house, was utterly delightful and relaxing.

(Ruby, our kitty who always wants to run outside but is never permitted to do so, was even allowed the rare treat of playing the snow... :-)

Of course, we stayed well occupied, too, with working out, studying, reading, and, naturally, cooking. On Saturday night we fancied a bit of dessert, as snowy weather just seems to sing out for baking, but we also wanted to keep things light and cleansing after the holidays, as everyone does as well, I know, so we decided upon a batch of whole wheat oatmeal cookies. Never did we imagine, though, that they would turn out quite so scrumptious - healthful enough for breakfast, yet tantalizing enough for dessert indeed...

Whole Wheat Oatmeal Cookies

1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
2 cups rolled oats
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups raw turbinado sugar
1/2 cup light, nonhydrogenated vegan marg
1 T vanilla
2 egg whites
2/3 cup dark chocolate chips (at least 60% cacao)

~ Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Coat 2 baking sheets with cooking spray.
~ In a medium bowl, stir together the whole wheat flour, oats, baking soda, and salt.
~ Beat together the turbinado sugar and vegan marg until creamy.
~ Add the vanilla and egg whites to the turbinado sugar mixture, and beat again until well-combined.
~ Stir the dry ingredients into the wet ones.
~ Fold in the dark chocolate chips.
~ Using your hands, roll walnut-sized balls of dough and place them on the cookie sheets, wetting your hands frequently to keep the dough from sticking to them.
~ Bake for approx 14 minutes - until the cookies are set and just beginning to turn golden around the edges.
~ Allow the cookies to cool on the baking sheets - or serve them warm... :-)


  1. We got a lot of snow this weekend too (as I'm sure most people did). Nick and I went on some walks and made some snow angels :) So fun!

    These cookies sounds amazing. Actually, oatmeal cookies, with chocolate, are my favorite type of cookie! Not just because they are a bit healthier than most, but really because they are so amazing.

    Glad you had a nice weekend! Stay warm.

  2. Love kitty in the snow. One of our cats ran out in the snow the other day...I think she was outside for 2 seconds before she decided it was the wrong decision and tried to run back in.

    I've been craving oatmeal cookies recently...i'll have to try these!

  3. Snow is so pretty - especially when its in someone else's neck of the woods! LOL and j/k

    This has been quite the winter all across the country and its only the beginning of January. Yikes! While I'm generally not a fan of the white stuff, the occasional snow day spent nesting at home can be a real treat ... especially if there are yummy homemade cookies. These look excellent, Astra!

  4. YUM! these cookies look delicious and so healthy too!

  5. we have so much snow up here it isn't funny :D

  6. love all your snowy pics - we have been having a heatwave here so it is lovely to see snow - I could roll in it right now - and you need some warm cookies to keep you warm inside

  7. Scrumptious cookies! Our snow in virginia is all melted but maybe we'll have some more snow this weekend.

  8. I really had to smile reading your post. I live in North Florida and we have been waking up to temps below 20 degrees consistently-This morning it was 14 degrees. That is insane in North Florida. We Floriidans just don't know how to act when the weather stays below freezing-we can't dress, we talk about the weather non-stop (smile)...
    Seems like you got it right. Those cookies look delicious too. Served up with a good cup of coffee and a few of those cookies-life woul dbe good.

  9. Oh no, not snow. Look at your house. Too cute that you let the cat out in it. My cat would have died. She hates the outside and I am afraid she would run away and I would never see her again.

    I love the looks of those cookies. They look and sound great and I love the healthy take on the recipe.

  10. nice...whole wheat always makes me feel less guilty!!!

  11. That is so cute that your kitty liked the snow! Those cookies look great! I love baking cookies when it's cold out.

    Just to let you know, I found the soup recipe and its posted on my blog!

  12. That is a lot of snow for GA... I Think the whole time I was in ATL we had snow dust once...

    The oatmeal cookies look good. I made some this weekend as i was craving it.

  13. I remember the pickup truck! What a cozy post. Love the kitty in the snow too. And yummy cookies!

  14. I have go to try trhese cookies. A bit of health in a cookie.. fantastic idea!

  15. Wow, you guys got snow? Cool. We don't have any yet. But I agree with the uproar about it. We had school delays last week because of the "HYPE" of snow. Sooo weird :)

    Great looking cookies, you know how I feel about oatmeal :)

  16. oh my gosh so much snowwww! im jelous! those cookies are the best way to warm up after cold weather! :)

  17. this is my all time favorite...helthy cookie...and i loved the snap of kitty too.. :)

  18. hooooo snow is so pretty...the first pic is out of the world :-)
    Cookies looks fabulous!!just gonna grab few from the click, tempting oatmeal cookies

  19. Hasn't the weather been weird this year? But your house does look lovely covered in snow. And I had to laugh to see Zach outside w/ just a T-shirt! Over here, we don't go out in winter with fewer than 3 layers ;)

    The cookies sound like just the thing for a cozy day indoors!

  20. oh my, I can't believe how cold you guys are there, brrrr the snow sure looks beautiful though, as do those cookies! yummy! Have a great weekend :)

  21. I'll have to make these for A - he always requests healthy cookies! And yay for snow :)
