
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Curried Salmon or Tofu Fritters

I received my third MRI yesterday, so I suppose it's rather fortuitous that I'm not claustrophobic - given that in the past few weeks I've been repeatedly slid into the giant MRI apparatus to be surrounded by strange loud noises in tight quarters for 45 minutes or so. In fact, I may well be the only person who takes a nap while inside an MRI... I even used my scheduled MRI afternoon nap to justify staying up to watch the Olympic ice dancing on Monday night despite having to get up at 4AM for work in the morning! Thanks to the MRI, I also now have tangible proof that I possess a brain.

Apparently I am blessed with a functional brain, as well, for I am delighted to be able to report that my MRI was normal... This, of course, means that the mystery of my left leg, along with the strange neurological symptoms that sent me rushing to the emergency room last Thursday, still continues, and that I'll now need to visit the doctor's office every afternoon for neurological checks while the doctor looks for signs of "progressing symptoms," but, as this is relatively quite noninvasive I am more than willing to dutifully comply! I am trying to temper my frustration at the continued lack of a diagnosis, and simply focus on being thankful for each small victory, each normal test.

By the time Zach and I arrived home from the doctor's office last night, we were both in the mood for something cozy and uncomplicated, but part of me wanted to fix something fun and new as well, something refreshing and rejuvenating but still not too fussy... Fortunately, Gina of The Candid RD provided the perfect inspiration! Gina is always a wealth of information about nutrition, healthful living, and deliciousness, and this year she's gracing the blog-world with an incredible series of recipes based on pantry staples! I've been so excited about trying Gina's tuna patties recipe ever since she first posted them a few weeks ago... I especially love how Gina always includes suggestions for different versions of her recipes, and thus, based on the ingredients inhabiting our pantry at the moment, I adapted the recipe a bit, inspired both by Gina's base recipe and some of her variations, and came up with the most scrumptious curried salmon fritters! The flavorful batter also worked beautifully in a batch of tofu fritters, and by the conclusion of our leisurely supper we were feeling calm and restored once more... Thank you, Gina!!

Curried Salmon or Tofu Fritters
(Adapted from Gina's Recipe...)

25 grams whole grain rye crackers, finely crushed
15 low fat saltine crackers, finely crushed
1 tsp curry powder
3 egg whites, beaten
6 oz canned skinless, boneless salmon OR 6 oz firm tofu, crumbled
Cajun seasoning, to taste

~ In a large bowl, stir together the crushed rye crackers, crushed saltine crackers, and curry powder.
~ Stir the egg whites and the salmon or tofu into the cracker mixture. Season to taste with Cajun seasoning.
~ Using your hands, shape the mixture into patties approx 2" to 3" in diameter and 1/2" thick.
~ Coat a large skillet over medium heat with cooking spray. Cook the patties until golden brown on each side, turning once. Serve immediately, nice and warm and crispy!


  1. Astra, I truly hope your symptoms do not progress and in fact go away completely either due to an accurate diagnosis or a miracle :-)

    I love the way you always give delicious variations on your recipes for vegetarian and carnivores alike :-)

  2. Astra, I hope they figure out what is going on soon and that they give you some options other than simply running endless tests. I'm still sending postive thoughts your way!

  3. So glad your MRI went well...I too get quite claustrophic in that contraption! Lucky for me I haven't had the pleasure of laying in one for a while.

    I hope they figure out what is wrong and you feel better soon!

  4. glad your mri went well but still so frustrating! the salmon cakes look delicious!

  5. Oh that sounds must be frustrating for you ..everything will be better soon :) The patties look very tasty...I am going to try this :)

  6. I hope that whatever is going on physically will resolve itself. I know that it must be terribly frustrating.

    Your fritters look delightful. Youa re right these are a perfect dish to enjoy without too mush fuss.

  7. Gina is one awesome lady, indeed. I wouldn't mind her (and you) cooking these lovely fritters for me.

    Oh, dear...I can just imagine your frustration! Its one thing to suffer from these symptoms, and another to not even know why you are! I just wish I can give you a big bear hug....please accept a virtual one?


  8. I'm sorry they haven't been able to figure out what wrong yet and hope they will soon - I know how frustrating that can be.

    Your fritters look fantastic!

  9. Ugh, medical problems are no fun at all! I hope you can get back to a normal Dr. appointment, and M.R.I. free schedule soon!

  10. Oh dear - I am so sorry you are still going through all these tests. You have a wonderful attitude about it. I hope they figure this out soon - and I hope you feel completely better! sending much love from the Midwest xoxoxo

  11. You are so glass-half-full it is unbelievable! I hope you get a diagnosis and/or get healthy REALLY REALLY SOON.
    And this reminded me how long it's been since I made salmon cakes (I used to ALWAYS do them with leftover salmon). Have to get on that!

  12. I can't beleive you took a nap through the MRI. While I was really sick with chronic fatique I slept through ever doctor visit...ummm...even the OBGYN. I hope you get to the bottom of this mess soon. I love salmon cakes so these look fantastic. Hope your week is going well.

  13. YES!!! This is fantastic! I love that you took my modifications and went with it, this is exactly why I do that. I know that everyone won't have the exact ingredients for each recipe (which is a problem I often have when trying to follow a recipe) but I also know many people are afraid to make simple substitutions. I'm glad oyu appreciate my list of "modifications" because I do that so people know they CAN make substitutions! These patties sound so delicious, and thanks for the kind words!! I appreciate it so much.
