
Sunday, March 7, 2010

An Award, A Guessing Game, and A Giveaway!

Such fun! I am so honored and happy to receive a delightful blog award from MelindaRD of Nutrition, Food, Travel and More! Melinda so kindly graced this blog with the "Creative Writer" blog award, and she completely made my day as a result! :-)

I so love reading Melinda's wonderful, vibrant, exuberent posts about her life overseas and the incredible culinary art she creates completely from scratch on her From Scratch weekends... Recently, she's wowed me with homemade pasta, homemade bagels, and a quiche complete with homemade pastry dough - how impressive is that!?

The especially fun part about this award is that it comes with a challange - to list 7 "facts" about one's self, in which only one is true! However, I just read wonderful Sophia's recent post on her blog Burp and Slurp, and in true, clever, brilliant Sophia fashion, she changed the rules to 6 true facts and one false one! Since I love the philosophy of an independent spirit, and, more practically, since I too am a completely inadequate fibber, I decided to follow Sophia's example... Then, of course, my wonderful, clever readers get to guess which fact of the 7 is the lone one that isn't true! To make this game even more exciting, I decided to include a giveaway, which I felt especially appropriate as Monday is my Birthday, and I think my wonderful readers should receive a present on my Birthday as well! :-) Thus, to one randomly drawn recipient, I shall send... Two goodies from Peanut Butter & Company: A jar of Cinnamon Raisin Swirl, and a jar of Dark Chocolate Dreams!

I adore both of these nut butters, and I just couldn't resist sending a little peanut butter love out into the blog world... :-) Both of these peanut butters are also vegan and kosher!

To enter, simply leave a comment guessing which fact of the 7 is false! Those who guess correctly get an extra entry! Another way to gain an extra entry, of course, is to mention this giveaway on your blog, and then leave me another comment telling me you blogged about the giveaway! :-)

Are we ready, then? Channel your inner psychic... :-)

1.) I'm an only child, but I grew up with 3 dogs, 3 cats, 2 horses, and 60 sheep!

2.) I used to be allergic to broccoli and bananas, but thankfully I can enjoy both of them now!

3.) The reason I'm so terrified of spiders is because I used to have a pet terrantula, and I never quite got used to her (him?)... Then one day she (he?) escaped, and I've never quite recovered...

4.) I learned how to ride a horse when I was 2 years old! I've been riding ever since, and during my sophomore year of college I seriously considered dropping out of college to ride horses professionally... Thankfully, I decided to be practical and stay in college. :-)

5.) When I was a child, the only food I didn't like... was chocolate.

6.) My two favorite household chores (aside from cooking, of course :-), are doing laundry and mowing the lawn!

7.) The top of my list of exciting things I long to try in my life: skydiving, surfing, and learning how to fly a plane!

Now, I get to pass the award along, too! I have to try to pick blogs who haven't already received the award, and I'm also only allowed to select 6 bloggers, which is such a hard task! I'm amazed at how blessed I am with the multitude of wonderful blogs that I get to read, savor, and be uplifted by every week... Y'all are wonderful!!

I hereby bestow this award (along with lots of hugs across the web :-) to...

Beth of 990 Square

The Diva of Beach Eats

Happy Guessing, and Happy Writing! :-)

(and happy cat-napping, if you're a sleepy kitty... :-)


  1. Thanks for the tag! I'll have to do this soon.
    And I would say... The one about chores

  2. my guess is that #3 is false! eek...spiders freak me out too!

  3. I guess I guess #3? Although it almost sounds stranger than fiction!

  4. Happy Birthday!

    I'm with you on the spiders, but not the lawn mowing thing.

  5. HAha, I'm happy that someone followed suit and switched the rules around! It's so much more fun to hear truths than lies, I think.
    Okay. this is so hard, because so much is at stake! I guess that the LIE is: the fact that the only thing you didn't like is chocolate. All kids love chocolate!

  6. The tarantula is so weird that it has to be true! But the ONLY food you didn't like was chocolate?? Can't be true! I figure there must have been at least ONE other food. . . . !

  7. I vote that number 3 is the false one!

  8. Ooo -- that's a tough one, but I think that #5 is the false one!

  9. Im guessing number 5 is false!! Every kid looovveeess chocolate (dont they??) And happy birthday by the way!

  10. Yay, so fun!!! I saw Sophia had it the other way too, so which ever way is still fun. I think #5 is false. I didn't know you rode horses. So did I from age 5-16/17. In the end my mom was like car or horse and the car won that one. I miss it all the time. Great contest too. I totally hope I win! And I am getting my latest from scratch meal pics uploaded right now so stay tuned.

  11. A total random guess from a first-time reader, but I'm going with number 2 as false.

    Side note: I actually had a friend growing up who hated chocolate!

  12. Hi Thanks for tagging me :)..guessing game is sure fun! I am really confused here, I think 3 and 5 are not true...I think I'll go for #3...I don't think anybody would have a pet spider or would they :)

  13. number 5 is false! :]
    happy birthday!!!

  14. My guess is #6 false. and thanks for your contest entries on my give away!

  15. Hey, thanks for the award! I've been a bit behind on my blog reading for the past few days, so I'm just seeing it! But thanks--you just made MY DAY!

    I'm guessing number 3.

  16. I'm trying to deduce the false "truth" but it's hard!! I am fairly certain you are an only child, and I remember you saying once that you rarely have a food you don't that leaves the others...ok, I don't think you had a pet terrantula! Yeah, that's my guess. EWww, I hate spiders.

    Congrats on the award!

  17. I really want to believe number five is false. I am going to go with that.

  18. Oh and Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day!

  19. Happy Belated Birthday, I hope you had a nice day!! I would love to try those nut butter flavors, yum! I'm going to have to guess number 7 is false, gosh that is hard!

  20. Thanks so much for passing on the award! I'm going to try to get to it towards the end of next week. (I'm going away at the end of this week.)

    Hmm, this is rather tricky! I'm going to guess that number 3 is false ... mostly because I hope it is. I can't imagine an escaped tarantula! Brrr!

  21. p.s. - since I won't be here on Monday ... Happy, Happy Birthday in advance! I hope you have a wonderful day, dear Astra!

  22. what a great idea - I love your list and I was tossing up between 3 and 5 but in the end I thought a pet tarantula was more likely than a dislike of chocolate :-) A well deserved award and hope you had a happy birthday (was it the monday just passed!)

  23. Thanks for the tag, lady! I love your list - I'll say #3 as well.

  24. How fun, I pick number 5 - I'm sure there was something else you didn't like too :)
