
Monday, March 22, 2010

Feta and Parmesan Cheese Biscuits

Saturday heralded the first day of Spring, and we awoke to discover the first flowers of the season had sprung to the surface as though they too knew that gentle sunshine and balmy 70-degree days had finally arrived!

We spent most of the day outside, taking walks as my leg allowed, and relaxing on the patio or in the back garden with cups of tea and our respective reading materials.

We did slip indoors just long enough for lunch at Whole Foods, though... :-) Our favorite weekend treat!

Roasted squash with onions and black olives, baked tofu, braised mushrooms, spicy collard greens, and spinach-broccoli-mushroom lasagna - heavenly! (I assure you I had plenty of leftovers to bring home... :-)

On Saturday night, since we had both worked late on St. Patrick's day, and weren't able to celebrate at all on the holiday itself, we also felt a wee bit duty bound (such a hardship, you know... :-) to experiment with some green coloring and our favorite New Belgium Brewery Mothership Wit Ale, and raise a toast with green beer!

On Sunday, though, the temperatures plummeted again - seriously plummeted. Maryland, several states north of us, enjoyed temperatures 20 degrees above our poor, shivering deep-south backyards. To add to the un-springlike weather, biting winds and torrential rains joined the collection of wintry weather. I also found myself by my lonesome for the day, as Zach had an ER clinical rotation all day Sunday, until 10PM at night. To cheer myself up, after a whirlwind bout of housecleaning (rainy days are, after all, extraordinarily good for housecleaning, lacking the temptation to lure you outside the house and away from the broom), I decided to spare Zach an afternoon of antiquing and set off myself in search of vintage Pyrex! I decided, musing as I browsed the pleasantly cluttered shelves of a large antiques shop, that I enjoy the thrill of the search as much as the delights of a satisfying purchase - the moment when your eyes sort through the piles of depression-glass plates and fiesta-ware (all beautiful and grand finds in their own right) and alight upon a single baking dish, or perhaps a small mug, that you've been questing for all along... I was quite well behaved, turning aside two 40's era bowls (scratched and overpriced) and four 70's era pieces (I loved them, but they were also, sadly, in poor condition) to simply bring home this one, simple bowl, from the late 60's-early 70's, in flawless condition and for only 4 dollars! Thankfully for our economics, I'm easy to please... :-)

Upon arriving home, what better way to chase away the chill winds and have a treat awaiting Zach arrival home, than to bake?

Hmmm, how about something savory, with fragrant basil, to hint of the warm, gardening days to come... and swirled with cheese, to comfort and tantalize...

Feta and Parmesan Cheese Biscuits

*Note: This recipe makes at least a dozen biscuits, as they are just the right shape and size for tucking into lunch-bags, heating up for an afternoon snack, or carrying along on a picnic! If you don't want quite so very many biscuits, though, feel free to halve the recipe...

1 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp salt
3/4 cup light, nonhydrogenated vegan margaine (such as Smart Balance Light)
1 T dried basil
1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup skim milk
1 1/2 tsp lemon juice
2 egg whites

~ Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Coat muffin cups with cooking spray.
~ Using a food processor, pulse the whole wheat flour, all-purpose flour, and salt together just 2 or 3 times until mixed.
~ Add the vegan marg, and continue quick pulses on the food processor until the mixture resembles coarse meal.
~ Pour the flour mixture into a large mixing bowl, and gently fold in the basil, feta cheese, and Parmesan cheese until just combined.
~ In a small bowl, beat together the milk, lemon juice, and egg whites.
~ Make a well in the dry ingredients, and pour in the wet ingredients. Fold the mixture together until just blended.
~ Scoop the dough into the muffin cups, filling the cups 3/4 full.
~ Bake for 20 minutes - until the tops are just turning golden brown! Serve warm, with butter or Smart Balance Light, of course! :-)

On the blog this time last year... Cacao and Raw Coconut Clusters!


  1. The 70 degree days are gone for now in Maryland too...I woke up to a wet and rainy monday. Not exactly motivation to start the week! But those muffins are :-)

  2. Saturday was a tease for us Northerners too! 70+ on Saturday and then 55 on Sunday! Rain coming in tonight.

    Those muffins look and sound delicious!

  3. Oh yum! I love the little hint of lemon you added with the juice, Astra. These muffins look sooo good!!

    Love your Pyrex find too ... its gorgeous!

    We had the spring tease last week, made it all the way into the 70's on Friday ... its cold and rainy now and that's March for you.

    Hope your leg is improving, at least a bit. Hugs!

  4. Hopefully Spring has returned and you are warm and toasty like these biscuits..

  5. Oh my gosh!! My parents have an entire set of those bowls!! They received them for a wedding gift. They are exactly the same as the one in your picture. My mother still used them, so they are very high quality!

    The flower pictures are so beautiful. I have been noticing spring flowers popping up every where, and I love it.

    I took note of your post request about ingredient comparisons. Do you have any specific ingredients you'd like for me to compare?

  6. The Whole Foods meal looks great. I am glad you are getting some Spring like weather and have beautiful flowers to look at too. Thanks for the muffin recipe, it sounds really yummy.

  7. The Whole Foods meal looks great. I am glad you are getting some Spring like weather and have beautiful flowers to look at too. Thanks for the muffin recipe, it sounds really yummy.

  8. Wow those cheese biscuits look so hearty!! I almost thought they were cornbread for 1 second (my favorite kinda bread in the world!!!) My bf would drool all over himself if he saw your parm cheese biscuits.

    I'm such a sucker for bowls and plates!!! People have to DRAG me out of Anthropolgie to stop me from wasting a ton of dough on MORE bowls. haahh

  9. We too had a fantastic weekend weather over here and my plants are also starting to sprout :) The muffins look absolutely delicious, I can imagine how flavorful they must be :)

  10. Your flower pictures are really beautiful! The weather has been absolutely crazy here...I'm ready for spring to finally set in with it's warmth! :) Those biscuits sound incredible, I love the feta in there!

  11. Holy..freaking...CHEESE!!! OMG. I hope you left me some. I hope a picture of my drooling face popped into your head while you enjoyed those cheesy muffins/biscuits. Because I sure am now! That is just...incredible!!!

  12. Your biscuits look absolutely amazing...and what a great Pyrex for $4. I swear Pyrex lasts forever. I have some that I received as a wedding gift (have to admit they are kind of ugly) but they have withstood the test of time!

    I hope the weather warms up for you!

  13. Oh my gosh! They look delicious and feta cheese, yum! Wish we had some warm weather here!!! It snowed another 2" Saturday.

  14. Yay for the first signs of spring! They have made me so happy and now that it is cloudy here you have lifted my spirits with these photos.

    Love Whole Foods lunches! The array of food is so lovely.

    These biscuits sound delicious! How could you go wrong with those two cheeses though.

  15. Great biscuits! I love the combination of feta, Parmesan and basil. And I love the vintage Pyrex! What a steal!

  16. love the green beer and those biscuits look like something I wish I had in my lunchbox - maybe some shopping in mind tomorrow
