
Monday, March 1, 2010

Non-Fried Fried Rice with Bok Choy

I am so eager to tell you all about an extraordinary dish we sampled over the weekend... but I would be amiss if I didn't first tell you about the healthful non-fried "fried rice" we fixed last week, which was far too scrumptious to be kept in the shadows any longer...

My obsession with bok choy is hardly clandestine, for I have confessed my fondness at least once before on the blog... I'm not quite sure why I'm so captivated by this jaunty vegetable, with wide, dark green leaves waving merrily and crisp, translucent-white stalks standing stalwart; I am simply, inexplicably drawn to bunches of bok choy the way one might be drawn to a more reasonable culinary crush, such as dark chocolate or Parmesan cheese.

Thus, when I spotted these flawless little bundles of bok choy on sale for 99 cents a pound at the veritable heaven which is the produce section of our local H-Mart, I could scarcely contain my enthusiasm...

As soon as I arrived home, I was galvanized into action, already envisioning a healthful, vegetable-packed "non-fried rice" dish... I tossed brown rice with skillet-crisped vegetables all cooked together with just a soupcon of canola and sesame oils, and then, in place of the usual peanuts for a little crunchy element, I added chickpeas to boost the fiber and marry happily with the rice to create a complete protein. Oh yes, and my beautiful bok choy, the leaves just wilted to perfection, the stalks still bright and crispy, celebrating in a blissful marinade with fiery chili paste...

Non-Fried Fried Rice with Bok Choy

1/4 cup soy sauce
2 T rice vinegar
1 T honey or agave nectar
2 T toasted sesame oil
1 tsp chili paste
4 egg whites (optional - leave out the eggs for a vegan dish)
3 whole eggs (optional - leave out the eggs for a vegan dish)
1 T canola oil
1 onion, chopped
1 large carrot, minced
2 stalks celery, minced
4 cloves garlic
6 bunches baby bok choy, thinly sliced lengthwise into long strips
4 cups cooked brown rice
1 (14.5 oz) can chickpeas, drained

~ In a small bowl, whisk together the soy sauce, rice vinegar, honey or agave nectar, and toasted sesame oil.
~ If you're using the eggs, beat together the egg whites and whole eggs, and season to taste with black pepper and a wee bit of salt. In a medium skillet coated with cooking spray over medium-high heat, cook the eggs omelet-style. Remove the pan from the heat, gently slice the omelet into thin strips, then slice the strips again the other way to make small cubes.
~ In a large wok over high heat, quickly stir-fry the onion, carrot, celery, and garlic in the canola oil until the onion is limp and translucent.
~ Add the bok choy, and continue to stir-fry a bit more until the bok choy leaves just begin to wilt.
~ Reduce the heat to medium, and stir in the brown rice and the chickpeas. Continue to cook, stirring constantly, until the brown rice is lightly toasted.
~ Stir in the chopped egg and the soy sauce mixture, and heat through.
~ Serve warm!


  1. I could have used your Bok Choy culinary skills two summers ago! We paid for a CSA, which means we signed up with a local farmer to get a share of their summer crops. We ended up getting TONS of Bok Choy, and I had NO CLUE what to do with it!! It was awful. Nick was so annoyed. I just boiled it and added spices, I have no creativity. Thanks for this recipe, if I ever get bok choy again (we sort of hate it now....) I will try this! I do need to give it another chance. I have learned so much about cooking since then!

  2. Sounds new to me never heard about bok choy but you have made a nice dish with it.

  3. I so could have used this recipe last week when I attempted to make fried rice for my hubby. It was kind of a disaster. I love bok choy! I could eat it straight with nothing else. Thanks for the recipe. Can't wait to make fried rice again.

  4. Astra, you've done it again! I've been on the lookout for a non-fried, fried rice dish ... and now my search is over. This looks spectacular! Thank you!!! :)

    No wonder you're crushing on that bok choy ... its beautiful!

  5. I love the whole concept here of non fiied fried rice. It has to be on my next Asian inspired menu.

  6. The whole plate looks so healthy and the idea of bok choy and chickpeas in fried rice :)

  7. I love the non fried fried rice idea. Looks super yummy. You always make such great stuff. I love your creativity. I hope you are doing well.

  8. I think I can dig a "Non-fried" fried rice with bok choy. Looks really good. Healthy too.

  9. I've never tried bok choy in fried rice interesting and I love capanota. sherry aka

  10. oh wow, that looks scrumptious! Bok choy is something I grew up's even good plain steamed with salt and pepper! Or oyster sauce!

  11. Ooh boy choy! I'd be all over this one :) I have an H-Mart by me here in the suburbs of Chicago, I didn't realize that this was a chain.

    Thanks for stopping by to visit me. Lovely place you have here. You have a very interesting story starting out vegetarian, going vegan, and then transitioning into eating meat. I love your kitties! Your Fritz looks just like my Arnold and Ruby looks just like my Evie! I haven't yet run across another brown tabby with reddish markings like Evie. If you didn't live in the deep south I'd suggest they were long lost siblings!
