
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Whole Wheat Blueberry Applesauce Muffins

My brain is a wee bit mushy at the moment (mid-week work exhaustion, most likely), and I admit my last post was extraordinarily loquacious, so I shall keep this post much more succinct... although hopefully equally delicious!

Zach's been having a particularly hectic emergency medicine rotation this month (which I suppose is to be expected, given that emergency medicine is hectic by definition), and we also seem to have oddly exchanged schedules - I've temporarily moved to day shifts for my new temporary position which is more friendly to my hopefully temporarily hampered left leg (apologies for the unvarying alliteration), and Zach has been working night shifts in the emergency room. Once again, we find ourselves passing each other during the week with a kiss and a wave from the other side of the stream, only now we're each at opposite times of the day! I still leave Zach little treats on the kitchen counter, of course, as tangible and tasty evidence that my heart remains with him always, and now that I leave for work at breakfast time and Zach has supper at the hospital, it's only natural I should sieze the opportunity to bake him breakfast treats!

It's also been entirely too long since I've indulged my muffin baking obsession. On Monday night, I willingly allowed myself to be carried away by inspiration while reading Beth's post about Whole Wheat Muffins on her blog, 990 Square... Beth is a truly talented baker - she's even been commissioned to bake a real wedding cake for a real wedding! Serious baking skills, indeed! So high was my confidence in Beth's recipe that I didn't hesitate to multiply the recipe several times over so I could store some extra batter in the fridge for future mornings! (I also managed to nearly upset the entire, mammoth bowl of muffin batter onto the kitchen floor while trying to reach the carton of almond milk lurking at the very back of the fridge, but the bowl was rescued at the last moment by a heroic leap, and all was well once more.)

Soon emerging from the oven, these muffins still managed to exceed my expectations. They puffed up so jauntily, bravely, and lightly, full of both nutritious fiber and a lusciously hearty yet still fluffy texture...

100% Whole Wheat Blueberry Applesauce Muffins
(Adapted from Beth's beautiful recipe)

2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
3/4 cup raw turbinado sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup applesauce
1/2 cup canola oil
2 egg whites, beaten
1/2 cup vanilla almond milk
1 T lemon juice
1 cup dried blueberries

~ Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Line muffin tins with paper liners, or coat them with cooking spray.
~ Stir together the whole wheat flour, turbinado sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt, and set aside.
~ Whisk together the applesauce, canola oil, egg whites, almond milk, and lemon juice.
~ Gently stir the wet ingredients into the dry until just combined.
~ Fold in the dried blueberries.
~ Bake for 25 to 30 minutes - until the muffins are just turning golden brown on top.
~ Allow them to cool on wire racks - or serve warm! :-)


  1. I have just stared at these muffins for a whole minute deciding on whether I should turn off the stove and try these for breakfast instead.

  2. Astra--you beat me to my own idea of adding blueberries to the mix. I never even thought of using dried ones! Silly me!

    It's probably worth pointing out that any mashed fruit can be used instead of the applesauce. I have two super ripe bananas that are likely to find their fate in this recipe this weekend!

  3. I love making something healthy like this and having enough for breakfasts for the week. Your muffins look incredible!

  4. yum! those muffins look perfect for breakfast!

  5. Those are, indeed, gorgeous muffins! Beautiful domed tops. And you can't beat the healthy ingredients! Hope you and Zach get to spend some time on the same side of the stream soon! ;)

  6. yummy muffins..perfect in color.. :) i can get aroma here.. :)

  7. I love anything with blueberries, although I must ask - what on earth is turbinado sugar?

  8. Wow such healthy muffins with applesauce...looks really good...I love blueberries in muffins :)

  9. Yum! Blueberry muffins are my favorite so I definitely need to bookmark these. I can't wait until wild maine ones are in season!

  10. Oh my this looks great. Its been a long time since I had any of this. Very tasty Muffins

  11. These certainly sound like a scrumptious breakfast treat. Love the idea of you cooking with joyous abandon. My husband CT wants to know how come Faulkner never wrote a book "As I Lay Frying - the best of deep south cooking"?

  12. You know I love this for the whole wheat - great recipe, Astra. The muffins look fantastic!

    I hope your conflicting schedules won't last too long ... passing like ships in the night must be difficult sometimes. You are such a sweetie to leave him such yummy treats. :)

  13. Your muffins look so good! Did you know that Trader Joe's sells pear applesauce now? That would be a fabulous addition to these!!

  14. A great gulit free muffin-It has all the right elements healthy , delicious and fabulous looking. This would be a perfect grab n'go breakfast along with my coffee.
    I know Zach must be loving your counter treats left by you in the morning.

  15. If you want to come over and bake me breakfast treats when I start my rotations, you are more than welcome to! Those look fabulous. I love that they use almond milk and applesauce.

  16. Oh dear! How did you know of my obsession for blueberries? I felt that this recipe was totally my calling.

    Thank you for leaving such a sweet comment on my blog. I love your recipes!

  17. Breakfast is my favorite meal -- I think it's one of the best times to get people together. I could actually see myself making these in the morning during the week. So easy! And the smell would certainly get my late-sleeping other half out of bed...

  18. Nice work! Love the beautiful blueberries you had there. I made applesauce bread a month ago, and it was really good. I love that it makes it so moist.

  19. I used to make blueberry muffins a lot when my kids were younger but stopped after deciding they were too sweet; these muffins are making me revise my decision!

  20. i love blue berry muffins thanks for the sharing all the best Pierre from paris

  21. p.s. I passed an award to you yesterday!

  22. Nick and I have been lucky, so far, that our schedules are pretty even. For a while he was working nights, very often, while I was always working days (aka, school). It was hard, but I knew it wouldn't last forever. Leaving notes, and little snacks for Zach is exactly like what I did for Nick. You gotta show your love somehow!

    The muffins look really great. Stop by my blog to see my polenta I made using your recipe!!

    Have a nice weekend :)

  23. Yay for lightened up blueberry muffins - Zach is lucky you make such yummy breakfast treats!

  24. Muffins look yummm and perfect for breakfast!
