
Friday, April 16, 2010

Humble Food: Late-Night Rice Bowl

Sometimes it seems as though all possible forms of everyday drama assemble and present themselves simultaneously. Yesterday progressed innocuously enough, with a pleasantly busy workday followed by a drive home in the sunshine, knowing that an appointment to have my eyebrows done was awaiting me in cheerful anticipation of the weekend. Arriving home, I strolled down the street to our neighbors house, where I've been caring for her dogs while she's out of town. My first hint that something was amiss occurred when I heard ferocious howls through the door as I turned the key, yet neither dog was waiting by the door to greet me... Instead, I tracked the roaring barks and yelps to the dining room, where my eyes fell upon scattered broken crockery, and a ghastly pool of blood. For some unknown reason, one of the usually sweet, docile dogs was literally trying to kill the other, smaller dog. Unfortunately, the perpetrator is a huge dog who probably weighs more than I do, and I screamed at him, pulled on his collar, and shoved him in vain. In sobbing desperation, I finally started throwing dining room chairs at him until he at last released his grip on the other dog! I'm sure I would have made a comedic sight, shouting and throwing chairs about, but at the time the comedy of the situation escaped me, as I found myself being a dog nurse instead of a human nurse for the night. By some miracle, I had arrived soon enough that the little dog's wounds weren't too serious, just very much in need of cleaning and bandaging. I spent the next few hours stopping the bleeding, wrapping up his injuries (side note - a figure-eight bandage is far more challenging on a dog than on a human, who doesn't have extra appendages such as tails...), and then, finally, cleaning up the mess so our neighbor wouldn't find her house mimicking the set of a horror movie when she returned home from her business trip. After coaxing the injured puppy to eat a specially prepared bowl of soft, tempting puppy-food, establishing the big dog, with his food, in a separate part of the house where he couldn't cause any more damage, and assuring myself that the poor little puppy seemed to be stable and comfortable at last, I walked tiredly back to my house, grateful that the situation had been navigated and I was at least now returning to a quiet, nonviolent household... Only to step inside our house and discover that one of the cats had apparently consumed an entire jar of foam earplugs and subsequently vomited them all over the carpet. Honestly. I know I'm a nurse, but really, vomit and blood are supposed to stay behind at my workplace, thank you...

By the time I was able to think about dinner, or even realized I might have an appetite, it was 10PM! Something simple, nourishing, easy to digest, and utterly soothing was definitely appropriate... I briefly toyed with the idea of leftovers or some Trader Joe's soup, but with one inspiring glance at my favorite fleur de lis bowl a very comforting rice dish began to emerge...

The flavors are subtle, the textures are wonderful, the vegetables are abundant, and, I do believe, this rice bowl can make everything right in the world again! Or at least in my corner of the world...

Super-Comforting Late-Night Rice Bowl

* This recipe makes one serving - feel free to multiply as needed!

1/4 cup sliced zucchini
1/4 cup green beans, fresh or frozen
1/4 cup sliced carrots
1/2 cup cooked brown rice
2 oz baked tofu or MorningStar Farms "sausage style" tofu crumbles
2 tsp nonhydrogenated vegan margarine, such as SmartBalance Light
1/4 tsp dried basil

~ Steam the vegetables according to your preferred method - I use a microwave steamer. Alternately, if you don't have a steamer handy, you could just simmer them in a little bit of broth until they're tender.
~ Stir together the brown rice and baked tofu/tofu crumbles, then warm the mixture in a small saucepan or microwave just until heated through.
~ In your favorite bowl, combine the steamed veggies along with the rice and tofu mixture. Gently stir in the vegan marg until melted, along with the dried basil. Season to taste with salt and lots of freshly ground black pepper. Curl up in a cozy spot, and enjoy!


  1. Oh Astra! What a difficult evening!! You seem to have managed everything quite well, and where I would have run for the chocolate (for comfort) and skipped dinner, you made a truly delicious and healthful dinner for yourself! I hope today is as peaceful and uneventful as yesterday was chaotic and stressful!

  2. Astra

    I was reading this and shuddering in horror! I can't believe you still managed to cook after an evening like this! I would have been in tatters! Good, you can handle anything! I am so impressed
    Great rice dish, especially considering the circumstances of its birth

  3. I hope everyone is okay in the long run. My experience with dogs is that sometimes they just fight for no reason, and espeically with dogs of different sizes it's not always pretty.

  4. Oh my goodness, that sounds insane. I am glad you arrived just in time before things got worse. I agree, vomit and blood should stay behind at work. Love the rice bowl idea.

  5. That's an inviting rice bowl.We make something similar too, such a comfort meal :-)

  6. very springful and colourful dish !! Pierre de Paris

  7. Interesting bowl..looks very colorful and gud...glad to knw u r all well to manage everything

  8. ok. The rice bowl looks good. But after that scare and the bloody pool....I don't even think my stomach could accept that!

    Okay, I'm lying. I could eat anything at any time. But wow. What a scare!! Oh wow. You're way stronger than I am...I would have screamed my ass out!

  9. mmmmmmm! That does look comforting!!!

    So sorry you had such a stressful evening!!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

  10. Oh no, the poor puppy, I'm glad you were able to rescue the little guy. A big bowl of comforting food is what I would be craving after an ordeal like that too!

  11. You are due for some serious good karma after that night! What is the opposite of blood and vomit... sunshine and rainbows? Hahaha. So sorry!

  12. Holy cow! What an evening. I would have crawled home and had a bowl of ice cream :-) Your rice bowl was healthy and perfect dinner for 10 pm.

  13. That sounds like a scene out of a movie! I wonder what triggered the big dog to do that? Maybe it was separation anxiety from his owners leaving?

    You definitely needed some comfort food after that. Hope you followed it up with a big bowl of ice cream!

  14. I tried this, and loved it! You're right, total comfort food. Post of the week on my foodie blog! :-) Thanks for posting this.

  15. Oh no, I'm so sorry about all this! What an evening. That dog situation was pretty scary, but I'm glad the night ended in a big bowl of comfort. By the way, I love your fleur de lis bowl!

  16. Oh my goodness! What an evening, but glad you were able to help! And then make a delicious meal!

  17. Oh, how awful and scary! How is the poor little pup patient doing? I'm so glad you got there before any further harm was done. You are a wonderful neighbor and nurse.

    As for the kitty and the ear plugs ... I've been there and done that. One of my cats, Lucy, is obsessed with ear plugs and has eaten more than her fair share. I have to hide them from her!

  18. how terrible for the dog to turn on his little pal - your neighbour was really lucky to have you looking after them - as for the cat that sounds terrible - the rice bowl sounds like what you needed - simple healthy and delicious

  19. You poor, poor thing! That is *not* what one signs up for when assenting to looking after someone's pets!

    That rice bowl looks like exactly the kind of comforting bowl of nourishment I'd want after going through that... And how I wish we had morningstar goodies here in Aus!

  20. How HORRIBLE! That little pup was certainly lucky you arrived when you did! How did it all turn out? (I'm waaaay behind on blog reading. . . will look at more recent posts to find out). When we first got Chaser as a pup, we were told to keep Elsie in a separate room or else watch them every SINGLE second they were together to ensure that something like that didn't happen--apparently older dogs can turn on pups pretty easily. (Now they adore each other, thankfully). Perfect quick and comforting dinner for such an awful evening!
