
Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Simple Spring Salad

Now that the weekdays have returned and I'm once again cooking alone until the next weekend Zach is able to come home from his out of town clinical rotations, I've discovered one thing thus far since I first began musing about dining by oneself: having meals outdoors makes me much more inclined to actually prepare a recipe for myself instead of resorting to cold cereal again. Even though I've been having meals outside frequently enough now that the novelty should have dissipated, something about the notion of creating a picnic just for me, complete with the backdrop of yellow daffodils and pale pink flowering pear blossoms, urges me to create a dish worthy of such a setting, and helps me look forward to mealtimes instead of simply pairing them with laundry-folding or bill-paying as one more evening event.

I suppose I should clarify that "mealtimes" actually just refers to dinners in my case, as breakfast is consumed while blinking sleepily at the operating room schedule at 6AM, and lunch, fortunately, occurs amidst much good cheer with the company of my wonderful co-workers. Dinner-time alone remains the meal I shared with Zach every weekday, and dinner usually manages to jilt me sharply from the days when I cooked for one quite contentedly, and reminds me instead of Zach's absence, and how long the interval between his weekends home can seem!

For now, though, I take the advice of many an essayist in the excellent collection Alone in the Kitchen with an Eggplant, and prepare a proper place-setting for myself on the patio table, then assemble a meal usually simple yet nourishing... Such as tonight, when I find myself gathering together an unhurried, utterly unfussy meal that reminds me comfortingly of my days in Israel - whole wheat pita bread, hummus, and a simple Spring salad...

A Simple Spring Salad

*Note: the dressing makes several servings, but the quantities for the salad ingredients serve one, with the notion of leftover dressing for future salad... Feel free to multiply the quantities for he salad or the dressing as you fancy!

3 T olive oil
2 tsp Dijon mustard
2 T balsamic vinegar
1 cup lightly packed baby spinach leaves
2 T dried cranberries
1 T chopped walnuts

~ In a jar or bowl, vigorously whisk together the olive oil, mustard, and vinegar to make the dressing.
~ Place the spinach leaves in a bowl, and scatter the cranberries and walnuts on top. Drizzle the spinach leaves with a bit of the dressing, saving the rest of the dressing in a tightly sealed jar to gild additional salads!


  1. Good for you for getting yourself motivated to prepare a meal (other than cereal) when Zach is gone! This salad looks perfect. I love the addition of the walnuts, I think they are perfect on a spinach salad!

  2. I love that salad. I make something similar quite often for myself!

  3. I usually have a good book by my side when I am alone...that makes eating alone much better :)...very refreshing and healthy salad...adding walnuts sounds so delicious :)

  4. Your salad is a real feast for the eyes -- the cranberries look so pretty on the bed of spinach!

  5. A simple spring salad, whole wheat pita and hummus ... is my idea of a perfect meal. Love that you're taking the time to set a real place setting and enjoying your meal outdoors too. This post made me smile. :)


  6. I love the simplicity of light salads -- I also love that book!

  7. This salad looks fabulous and I certainly would not mind eating it every day of the week, personally.

  8. Beautiful salad, and I just love the colors. I love to east outside. I am hoping to get some patio furniture soon. Some mornings while I let the dog out, I will take my cereal and eat outside in the driveway, where I can see the ocean. It is so nice just to have the fresh air.

  9. Delicious looking salad! Sometimes simplicity is the best way to approach things. This dressing looks delicious!

  10. The salad looks wonderful! I couldn't agree with you more on meals outdoors. Our backyard is nothing special (except my garden!) but I love it out there so much! I love watching the sunset and having a relaxing meal with hubby :)

    Have a great weekend!

  11. Astra,

    I love the look of this salad. Also I'm having a 555th blog post give-away, and I thought you'd be interested, so please do come on by and sign up if your interested in whats in the goodie bag.

  12. it is a very delicious salad ever i see
