
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Extraordinarily Healthy Oatmeal Cookies

I always find myself being very kind to telemarketers, because I have a certain amount of respect - sometimes grudging, sometimes freely given, but respect nonetheless - for people with the gumption to work in commission-based sales. Yesterday, for example, I stopped at Wal-Mart on my way home from work in search of cat-litter, and found myself halted by an unusually hyper greeting from a stranger poised somewhere halfway between juniors clothing and the pet food isle. All in a rush, she informed me that she was "simply struck" by my "fabulous style," and "just had to come over and introduce herself." Now, as flattering as this comment may seem, I was dressed in scrubs, and while I try to wear the cutest, most stylish scrubs I can find they are still a long way from Oscar de la Renta, I was on my way home from work at the end of the day, and thus my hair was escaping frizzly from its ponytail, and to add to all of this I seemed to have developed a reaction to the same moisturizer I've been using for months and thus was graced that day with a large red spot in the middle of my forehead. This stranger may have stopped me for any multitude of reasons, but I am quite certain it was not because she was "struck by my style" at that particular moment.

She was, as you may have already guessed from a similar experience, part of some pyramid sales company, but while most of my energy was occupied with escaping the conversation as rapidly as possible I did have to admire her bravery for being able to thus accost a complete non-acquaintance in the middle of a shopping market with such confidence.

Needless to say, there is a reason why I'm a nurse and not a salesperson. I'd much rather quietly patch up boo-boos, and then come home and bake cookies!

These particular cookies are akin to my beloved oatmeal breakfast cookies from my childhood... Extraordinarily healthy, packed with goodness, and barely sweet, with just a hint of dark chocolate for luxury. Perfectly appropriate for a special occasion breakfast, in my opinion, or for dessert after dinner any night of the week, or for when one has been startled by a surprise encounter at the shopping center and feels the need for a cookie in order to recover...

Extraordinarily Healthy Oatmeal Cookies

3/4 cup non-fat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 cup blueberry applesauce or any other sort of berry-applesauce without added sugar
1/2 cup honey
2 egg whites, beaten
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
3 cups rolled oats
3/4 cup dark chocolate chips (at least 60% cacao)

~ Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line baking sheets with parchment paper.
~ Whip together the Greek yogurt, berry-applesauce, and honey until creamy.
~ Beat in the egg whites and vanilla
~ Stir together the whole wheat flour, baking soda, and salt, and stir the flour mixture into the wet ingredients.
~ Stir in the rolled oats.
~ Fold in the dark chocolate chips.
~ Drop the batter by rounded tablespoons onto the baking sheets, and bake for around 14 minutes - until the cookies are lightly golden brown. Of course, they're oh so very good warm...


  1. Oh, I haven't made cookies in so long! And these look delightful! Hope the new job is still going well.

  2. I am sure that even in your scrubs you may hold yourself with a certain grace and at least seemed approachable. You have to admire their determination. Yntil I gain that same fearlessness I will eat cookies:D

  3. I was a telemarketer once. For a day. It was a pretty awful experience. Those cookies, however, would make any day better. I love the fact they're so healthy!

  4. Yummy looking healthy cookies. Darn telemarketers. I can be rude on occasion. Usually it is when I say no and they keep going. I have asked before how they got their job when they clearly never passed kindergarten. The fact that they never learned the word no and it's meaning has me very concerned and I think I have told them I felt bad for the mother who obviously was unable to teach them manners. Sometimes I like to have a little "fun". But, if they sound like a little old lady, I will usually listen to them and even do their surveys. See, this was my grandmas job for so long, so sometimes I cave.

  5. Healthy or no, they look delicious and I bet the honey gives them a wonderful flavour.

  6. Oh, Astra, you did give me a chuckle with that story about the bold saleswoman! I'm not at all surprised to read of your courtesy and I will shamefully admit I'm nowhere near as nice or as patient. You are a very good egg. :)

    These cookies look so fab! I was just discussing "healthy" baking with my hairdresser yesterday (he's recovering from a triple bypass) and these look like just the ticket for him. I'm printing this out both to pass on to him and so that I can bake him a batch for my visit with him next month. Thank you!!!

  7. I am always on the lookout for something healthy and delicious...thanks for sharing these tasty-looking cookies Astra...they are just superb..I am definitely going to try this :)

  8. Ha, this post made me laugh. Girl, you can work it even in scrubs.

  9. This is one oatmeal cookie recipe that I will make with abandon! I always shy away from oatmeal cookies because of the high sugar content; this one is perfect.Thank you!

  10. Yum! Any breakfast cookie is a friend of mine ;) And I must say, you've given me a whole new perspective on telemarketers--I'm going to be more welcoming of them from now on!
