
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Candied Pecans

This time two days ago, I was baking muffins frantically as a way to distract myself from an impending diagnostic procedure. By the evening of that same day, I was woozy from post-procedure pain medicine, still in pain despite said medications, and totally unable to bend or turn thanks to a strange, vice-like sensation in my back - all a rather normal state, I would suppose, for one who had just had large needles inserted into her spine. Still, I was so relieved and delighted to have the whole painful experience over with that these symptoms seemed mere trifles! Indeed, I intended to begin supper preparations as soon as we arrived home from the medical center, but luckily Zach intervened and pointed out that someone still experiencing the effects of IV medications should probably not be the one lighting the stove. So, instead, knowing that a big, refreshing salad would be just the thing I needed after a long and torturous ordeal, Zach, kind and caring as always, sat me down safely and then proceeded to prepare our favorite arugula salads... complete with homemade candied pecans!

The first time we prepared this salad we used the spiced pecans from Trader Joe's, which were quite handy at the time, but it's oh so much more economical to make your own... and I fancy that these pecans, perfectly crispy and lusciously sweet, with an alluring hint of salt, could outshine a store-bought pecan any day. They're ideal for topping salads, but they would also be delightful as appetizer, alongside cheese and fruit, or perhaps to decorate a glorious, caramel-y cake... Just please, for your sake, I hope you don't have to go through spinal surgery in order to have an occasion to make them... :-)

Candied Pecans

2 cups pecan halves
1 cup raw turbinado sugar
4 T light, nonhydrogenated vegan margarine or butter
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 tsp salt

~ Preheat the oven to 250 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.
~ Spread the pecan halves across the baking sheet, and bake on the middle rack of the oven for 5 min.
~ Remove the toasted pecans from the oven, transfer them to a large pot or skillet on the stovetop, stir in the turbinado sugar, vegan marg or butter, and vanilla, and cook for 15 minutes, stirring constantly, until the sugar is golden brown and nicely caramelized.
~ Spread the pecans across the baking sheet again, and sprinkle with the salt.
~ Allow the pecans to cool, then return them to the oven again for 5 minutes.
~ Once they've cooled again, they can be stored in an airtight container for future deliciousness!

Soundtrack for the day's commute: The Postal Service, Give Up

On the blog this time last year... Avocado Omelets!

And... Drumroll please... Gina of The Candid RD is having a glorious giveaway!


  1. How delicious! I love candied pecans! I'm sorry that you had so much discomfort and pain! I hope you recuperate quickly!

    TLC from your sweetie is always the best medicine for sure!

  2. Happy to hear that you are on the road to mending, and lucky you to have such a kind and thoughtful husband.

  3. Sorry to hear about your medical issues and testing. I hate needles so I can feel your pain on this. having a HIDA scan was really crappy and that was not even that involved. Just too many hours! I hope everything is OK. Great looking salad.

  4. I'm glad your procedure is over -- I hope you're feeling completely better soon! The candied pecans look delicious!

  5. I love pecans and what a nice way to twist them up. Sorry about your medical issues, I hope little by little you feel strong again.

  6. No one DESERVES gruesome medical procedures but my goodness I kind of wish all this nonsense would get inflicted on someone less awesome and do-gooding than you! It must be such a drag!

    Thank you for being such a ray of sunshine (and deliciousness!) in spite of it all. I kind of want to make these... and I am kind of scared to because I really would eat them all. Immediately. And then I might be in a fair amount of discomfort, too!

  7. I hope you are feeling good and that your kitchen mojo is quickly returning. As soon as I saw it was candied pecans, I immediately thought "delicious" in salads.

  8. Sorry to hear that you've been unwell again.

    These pecans look Awesome. I know someone at mine, who'd easily eat a bowlful. Yes, my husband - he is greedy for pecans and chocolate.

  9. Hope you are feeling better.

    I've never tried nuts like this before, but I am going to buy some tomorrow and give them a go.

  10. I'm so glad the procedure is over and done with, and you are doing well. Just in time to celebrate the fourth!

    I LOVE candied pecans, especially on salads, like you said. They are a million times better than croutons.

    Thanks for the giveaway shout out!

  11. these pecans sound amazing and surely better then store bought

    hope you are feeling better - nice to hear that zach is looking after you

  12. Oh babe I'm so sorry that you had to go through such an ordeal! What a sweetie Zach is though, waiting on you hand and foot. Any guy who can make such awesome candied pecans is a keeper.

  13. oh my gah you got me craving some PECANS NOW!! Thats such a southern thing and i love it. girl I hope you feel 100% better ASAP. Prayers your way!

  14. Oh dear, I didn't realise you were continuing to have health problems. Do hope you make a swift recovery now. Surely, all the lovely food you make has got to help!
