
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Stormy Night Scrambled Eggs

I seem to have lapsed in my Singular Gourmet ambitions. Zach is still in on base in Texas but will return home in exactly one week, to my intense relief and joy, and thus my thoughts have turned recently to the dishes I might prepare for Zach's homecoming, with significantly less attention to actually cooking for myself in the evenings. You may have noticed that my latest few blog posts have been devoted to dishes cooked while Lisa and Emily were in town, or dishes baked for my co-workers, not what I've actually been eating. Steamed broccoli and oatmeal (in separate bowls, as I still haven't become enamored of savory oats) does not exactly count as a particularly balanced or memorable meal.

And while last night's supper, prepared with the cozy feel of a fierce storm raging around the snug house, isn't any more complicated than the above mentioned combination, it at least feels a little more, well, contemplated.

And so, I share with you the little dish I prepared last night, not because it's gourmet, not because it even needs a recipe, not because it's anything you haven't already thought of yourself, but because it's comforting, warming, healthful, and nourishing. Because, on a stormy night in our too-empty house, it made me feel cared for, and a little less alone.

Astra's Stormy Night Scrambled Eggs for One

1 cup shelled green peas, fresh or frozen
3 egg whites
1 1/2 tsp water
2 T shredded low-fat cheddar cheese
Cajun seasoning

~ Coat a skillet with cooking spray, and place over medium-high heat. Add the peas to the skillet, and saute for just 30 seconds or so.
~ Beat together the egg whites and the water, then pour the mixture over the peas. Scramble vigorously, stirring constantly, until the eggs are rather dry and have reached the consistency of rice.
~ Remove from the heat, and stir in the cheddar cheese until melted.
~ Season liberally with Cajun seasoning - I like everything a bit spicy...
~ Serve with whole grain toast for a balanced meal!


  1. What a delicious meal!! I LOVE fresh peas!! Astra, you're never really alone! We're all out here for you :-)

  2. I can see why this would be a comforting dish Astra.

  3. A good hearty meal always makes you feel better. That's what comfort food is all about after all. Hang in there, better days are coming.

  4. loved the color Astra.. never you are alone..blogger buddies are around baby is 6month old, so i was nt getting enough time as before in wen i open blog i feel to be there for hours..dats the magic of our blogging wrld.. :)
