
Monday, August 16, 2010

Banana Oatmeal Bars

Several weekends ago, while Zach was still in Texas, I visited Whole Foods with the express intention of not purchasing anything, but rather to simply wander, museum style, appreciating all of the inspiration surrounding me. Naturally, I did wind up bringing home a bag of organic arugula and a bottle of vegan tofu-Caesar dressing, but I was pleased to note that I somehow managed to be much more economical about impulse purchases than if I had entered with a purposeful shopping list in hand. Most importantly, too, I did gather abundant inspiration, including a beautifully healthful recipe for banana bars without any added sweeteners! I adapted the recipe this weekend, and Zach concluded, with a mischievous smile, after polishing off three servings, that he "didn't like these bars one bit..." A few moments later, he observed that "perhaps you should make another batch, just so, you know, I could give them another try..." I do believe this recipe will become a regular in our home!

Banana Oatmeal Bars

2 large ripe bananas
2 cups oatmeal
1/2 cup shredded unsweetened coconut
1/4 cup applesauce
1 cup dark chocolate chunks (I used an 80% cacao bar of chocolate, and coarsely chopped it with a chef's knife to make 1 cup of chocolate chunks)
1 pinch of sea salt

~ Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Coat an 8X8 baking pan with cooking spray.
~ Mash the bananas with a fork.
~ Stir in the oatmeal, coconut, and applesauce.
~ Fold in the chocolate chunks.
~ Press the mixture into the baking dish, and bake for 30 min - until lightly browned on top. Allow the bars to cool, then slice and serve!


  1. My husband would love these since they have coconut. They look very crunchy.

  2. This will be a total hit with my kids. Thank you.

  3. Looks yum, minus the whipped cream for me. And I must laugh because when Ryan was out of town, I went to the grocery store just to look around and kill some time.

  4. This looks so delicious. Hope you are well and happy xx

  5. Oh this sounds fantastic! And looks it too. I love any sweet/dessert that has oatmeal in it. I feel like it's better if it has oatmeal (better taste and better for my heart!). And banana too? Yum. Thanks for sharing your recipe! If I make it I would sadly have to omit the coconut, know.

  6. Anything with chocolate and banana has to be good!

    I'm the same way with food impulse purchases. I tend to find myself oging home with something I have no clue what to do with!

  7. mmm those look great! I admire you for not going overboard in Whole Foods. I honestly can't go in there with a list or anything because I get in trouble and find all kinds of things I want to try :)

  8. Roaming the aisles of grocery store is one of my favorite ways to spend a lazy weekend afternoon :)

    And your bars look super tasty! My hubby would "hate" them too.
