
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Lemon Cream Pasta and a Mystery Squash

Now that I've finished rhapsodizing about last weekend's farmers' market trip, I can tell you about our most recent farmers' market outing! This was Zach's first visit to our local farmers' market, and he found some truly unique and exciting selections, including these fabulously spicy barbecue sauces!

The owner of the sauce company was a great salesman in the best possible way, and even named the sauces after his mother-in-law, Mae! So sweet!

We also brought home a tub of avocado salsa verde, which recollected Trader Joe's glorious avocado salsa verde too much resist, especially since we had leftover carne asada at home just awaiting a new batch of salsa verde!

For veggies, we restocked our onions (I still can't quite believe how much more flavor these locally grown onions have than the ordinary grocery store onions!),

picked up the mandatory eggplant for the week (our household cannot allow a week to eclipse without some form of eggplant dish),

succumbed to the temptations of okra (I am exceedingly fond of this often under-appreciated, cheery little vegetable),

and discovered a new variety of early winter squash! If anyone knows the name of this big lumpy squash, please do tell... :-) I thought it might be a Kobocha, but it seems far too orange-spotted and bumpy?

The squash is a mystery on many factors, indeed, for while I already have plans to fix Zach's favorite sweet and sour eggplant and our beloved dry okra, our plans for the squash still remain undiscovered! I'm sure something spontaneous and delightful will emerge...

In the further spirit of all things fresh, light, and pure, such as farmers' market veggies and summer recipes alike, I was recently reminded of how much I adore Vegetarian Times magazine while reading a recent post from wonderful Johanna of Green Gourmet Giraffe, in which she makes a splendid version of a VT Carrot and Fennel Soup, which simultaneously brought to mind how I've been gazing dreamily at the cover recipe from this most recent VT issue ever since it arrived in my mailbox. And thus, while basting both ribs and tempeh with our new barbecue sauce and readying the grill, I pulled a pasta pot from its home cupboard and whipped up this light, lemony delight... The perfect, refreshing partner for the rich, spicy barbecue!

I should also add that my initial, spontaneous reaction to tasting this pasta dish was to exclaim: "Oh my goodness, this is one of the best things I've ever tasted..."

Lemon Cream Pasta

(Adapted from Vegetarian Times, September 2010)

8 oz whole wheat angel hair pasta
1/2 cup reserved pasta cooking water
4 oz light cream cheese
2 T olive oil
Juice from 1 freshly squeezed lemon
Zest from 1 lemon
1/4 cup minced parsley

~ Cook the whole wheat pasta according to package directions, reserving 1/2 cup pasta cooking water.
~ In a small saucepan over low heat, whisk together the cream cheese, olive oil, and lemon juice until warmed.
~ Whisk the reserved pasta cooking water into the cream cheese mixture.
~ Pour the cream cheese mixture over the pasta, add the lemon zest and parsley, and toss to coat. Season to taste with salt and pepper, and serve warm!


  1. That pasta sounds wonderful! I love lemony anything...and lemony pasta sounds fantastic! I wish I liked okra...Tulsa was the okra capital of the world. However, they all ate it fried!! I would've liked to have tried it other ways, but it was impossible to find while dining out!

    Have a great day, darlin'! :)

  2. How funny - I looked at that pasta recipe and thought naaah! but when I read your reaction I think maybe I should go back to it and give it another chance!

    The squash looks quite like the sort of 'pumpkins' (as we call them) that I buy - we call them Jap or Kent - I can never tell the difference - they have bright orange flesh! All your market goodies look great

  3. It is so unusual for a man to give to his products the name of his mother-in-law. He must have been very fond to her. This pasta dish looks really creamy and comforting.

  4. I second your comment on the local onions ... I've been enjoying onions from my brother's garden all summer and they are magnificent! This gorgeous lemon pasta looks magnificent too! I've always loved lemon themed pasta dishes, but hardly remember to make them.

    This is going on my must try list for sure!

    Lastly, no clue on that squash ... but something about it makes me want to bring it home and roast it! :)

  5. Lemon cream pasta sounds great. I have an awesome pasta cookbook, for the actual pasta, and there is a lemon dough recipe in there that I have thought about making. Strange unidentifiable squash. It could very well be an accidental hybrid made through the strange mysteries of nature. Just a thought :)

  6. I love your goodies from the farmers' market! Hmmm, good question about the squash! The pasta dish sounds delicious!

  7. I think it is a mutated Kobachi squash for lack of a better answer (read that ...I don't know), but I am sure it was delicious along side your lemon pasta!!
