
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Creamy Double-Corn Polenta

I'm starting to feel the ever-present pressures of our multi-faceted lives increase exponentially, both in the joys of wedding planning, the blessings of longer hours at work, the continuing challenges of doctors appointments and side effects from new medications, and the mundane realities of loads of laundry still awaiting me at the conclusion of a traffic-filled daily commute. These are, after all, our lives - we struggle, we strive, and take comfort in the fact that we know we are not alone in our fervent wish for more hours in the day. The end result, though, is that I've been forced to blog much less frequently than I would like, and while I've been in denial of this fact for a while now I finally concluded the time has come to confess, and apologize, in the hope that you, my wonderful readers, will forgive me occasionally, slightly, longer pauses between posts than usual. I fully intend to remain in the blog world, as enthusiastic as ever, I have simply finally had to admit to myself that while weeks when I'm able to blog every other day will still shine forth, reality might bring me a week or two when I have to choose sleep over blogging just to make sure I get 3 or 4 hours of sleep that night! :-) I hope you will remain patient with me, as you always have, my dear readers.

And now, in the spirit of reflection, I will share with you that the moment of confession noted above was most definitely inspired by the occasion of Yom Kippur today, which is both the Jewish day of atonement and the final step in ushering in the Jewish new year. Yom Kippur also happens to be a day of fasting, which, I suppose, isn't exactly the most fitting thematic topic for a cooking blog, so I shall at this moment share with you the comforting polenta dish we fixed last week... and may we all find comfort in the coming days, our coming meals shared in the company of loved ones, and most of all, in the entire coming year.

Happy Jewish New Year!

Creamy Double-Corn Polenta with Honey-Mustard Roasted Chicken or Tofu
(Inspired by August 2010 issue of Bon Appetit)

For the Honey-Mustard Roasted Chicken or Tofu:
1/4 cup Dijon mustard
1 T lemon juice
2 T honey
1/8 tsp granulated garlic
1 1/2 lb boneless, skinless chicken thighs OR 1 1/2 lb firm tofu, pressed dry and cut into 1" thick slices

~ Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Coat a large covered baking dish with cooking spray or prepare a roasting bag by placing it inside a 9X11" baking pan.
~ Whisk together the mustard, lemon juice, honey, and garlic. Sprinkle the chicken or tofu with salt and pepper, and then coat generously with the mustard sauce.
~ Transfer the chicken or tofu to the baking dish or roasting bag, and either cover the baking dish or fasten the roasting bag closed. Transfer to the oven, and bake for 40 min for the chicken, or 20 min for the tofu.

For the Creamy Double-Corn Polenta:
6 cups vegetable broth
1 cup coarse polenta cornmeal
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 T sugar
2 cups corn kernels
4oz low-fat cream cheese

~ Bring the broth to a boil over high heat.
~ Whisk in the polenta, salt, and sugar. Reduce the heat to medium-low, and simmer, stirring constantly, until the polenta is thick, creamy, and tender.
~ Stir in the corn kernels and cook for 5 more minutes, stirring constantly.
~ Remove the polenta from the heat, mix in the cream cheese, and season to taste with salt and pepper.

~ To serve, spoon polenta onto plates and top with the chicken or tofu!


  1. Happy New Year to you, too, dear Astra! I think we all struggle with just those same things you mention here, so no one will begrudge you your sleep, relaxation, or just a blog break. Do what you have to do for YOU, and your readers will always be here waiting! :)

  2. Oh come on!! Give up sleep for blog? I don't think so!! You are definitely forgiven. Blogging should always come second to family, friends, health (including sleep) and work, so how could we not forgive you?! You still present us with great recipes (love your polenta!) when you can, and a positive attitude, so we'll keep reading, for sure.

    Happy New Year to you!

  3. What a delicious meal! The creamy double corn polenta looks incredible! Comfort food at its finest. :)

    Happy New Year to you also!

  4. This looks so tasty. I agree with the other bloggers, you should take for YOU - we'll be here waiting for you. Hugs xxx

  5. Shana tovah! (I literally just learned that-- at my job we did a lesson for the kiddies about the Jewish new year and I learned something too!)

    I love love love love love beyond all reason polenta. Can't wait to try this one!

  6. The polenta looks great and I was just thinking about polenta too. I hope you had an easy fast (if you did, I did not because my blood sugar drops usually so I try not to make myself diabetes and no reactive hypoglycemia, but it just drops after a few hours, and not on every day but some days). Happy New Year! I made a kugel for the first time and I was so happy it turned out well.

    I totally understand not having time to blog as much as you would like. Hey, life happens and if we sit in front of the computer in all our free time, we will miss out on something cool happening right then and there. Balance is key.

  7. oh dear I wish you had more time to blog and that I had more time to read your posts - sounds like things are busy but sleep will get you through far more efficiently than blogging - what a shame :-)

  8. Happy New Year! What a yummy comforting meal! Hope things lighten up soon :)
