
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I have...

I have the flu.

Zach is in Ohio, and I miss him desperately, but in his absence am blessed to be more than well-cared for by my beautiful, kind friends and co-workers.

I'm subsisting on Trader Joe's lemon ginger echinacea juice, brought to me by my wonderful friend Pam.

I also fainted this morning, so I'm about to be carted off for a second trip to the doctor's office by my wonderful friend Chalete. I shall return soon.


  1. Hope you feel better soon! Food really is the best medicine

  2. Oh no, I'm sorry to hear you have the flu! Hope you're feeling better soon!

  3. So sorry to hear this! Hope you're better by the time you read this. And rest up!! (((hugs)))

  4. Seriously, that lemon ginger echinacea stuff is so good it almost makes me not mind being sick.
    Have you ever had it WARM?
    Do it and I know (and hope!) you will feel better very soon.

  5. Echinacea is the perfect natural medicine for flu. I hope you will feel better the next few days. Hang in there.

  6. rest up and get better soon - sorry to hear zach is so far away when you feel unwell - must be difficult for both of you

  7. Hope your back to your usual self soon Astra x

  8. Flu? You poor thing. I'm sorry to read that you've been unwell. Please promise to rest. If you can stomach it, very simple milkshakes and eggnogs can give you good nourishment and fluids w/out overwhelming you.
