
Friday, August 28, 2009

Sweet and Sour Cabbage Salad

Paging through the list of posts I've written this month, I discovered that I've scandalously neglected Green Things recently. In reality we consume copious amounts of greenery each day, (when I put it that way, it sounds like we spend afternoons grazing with my mother's horses, but you know what I mean...) but sometimes amidst my eagerness to post about more involved dishes, such as baked goods or grand casseroles, our veggies seem to slip into the periphery of my writings... No longer, however! I shall return deserved attention to our beloved summer produce, which, in our temperate climate, we are so fortunate to still have flourishing well into the Autumn months...

Such as the tart, crisp, slaw-style salad I whipped up before dashing off to anatomy lab last night... Cabbage and potatoes sing winter to me, but cabbage salads are pure summer!

Sweet and Sour Cabbage Salad

4 T canola oil
1 head cabbage, shredded (the work of a moment with a large chef's knife)
2 stalks celery, minced
1 green bell pepper, chopped
2 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
1/2 cup honey
2 T chives

~ In a large pot or wok over medium-high heat, saute the cabbage, celery, and bell pepper in the canola oil until just shy of crisp-tender (i.e. more crisp than tender :-)
~ Stir in the salt and pepper, reduce the heat to medium, and saute for just a couple more minutes.
~ Stir in the vinegar, honey, and chives, and allow the dish to simmer until the cabbage is officially crisp tender.
~ Serve warm or cold... delicious for a summer picnic! :-)


  1. Love tangy salads and this is a unique one!

  2. My hubby would love this! I like the kick from the apple cider vinegar!

  3. I really love cabbage. It's one of my favorite vegetables. The only rpoblem is that it makes my IBS really upset (sorry, graphic, kind of). Ugh! Thanks for the recipe either way, I do still eat it on occasion :)

  4. You might already know that I live off of oatmeal, but probably the other part of me is cabbage. I finish off almost 2 heads each week, it's just so cheap and versatile. Beautiful job with the sweet and sour combo. It's like vinegar and greens are long lost friends :)

  5. hi the salad looks delicious and appetising. You can visit my blog view my recipes and give ur comments.

  6. Perfect salad for the combination of honey with the apple cider...sweet and sour...yum :)

  7. yay for easy and cheap veggies! love the sweet/sour combo :) My grandma makes stuffed cabbage that always brings back memories. Hope your classes are going well!

  8. Oh Chava you will lovelovelove Barbara Kingsolver's Animal Vegetable Miracle. I will bring you my copy! Oh, good recipes here, too:

    Anyway, loved this post, an excellent reminder to eat GREENs!

  9. hmm I was breaking my head on wht to do with cabbage and just finished it up with some R& time will try this one...looks gud
