
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Parmesan Chive Popovers

I just finished working... drumroll please... 60 hours in 4 days.

My knees are quite sore, and I've missed blogging!

I've also missed cooking... During the few moment's I've managed to be home during the past 4 days I've been able to whip up a few vegetable dishes of an affable, "we forgive you if you accidentally put in the wrong ingredient due to sleep deprivation" sort of nature, including a classic favorite of ours which I'm looking forward to sharing in my next post, but for entrees we've been simply relying on veggie-burger sandwiches and the comforts of leftover baked ziti for our suppers. Hence, I am enthused to once again have the time to prepare a meal in its entirety - so enthused, in fact, that this morning I simply couldn't wait to begin...

As I've mentioned before, I'm so fond of baking that I can even become nearly obsessed with a bread recipe. So I shouldn't be too surprised that when I arrived home from work this morning, having not slept in, well, quite a while, as usual, my first impulse was not to take a nap but to bake something...

This time around, I prepared a glorious batch of popovers from the Vegetarian Times April 2009 issue - Parmesan Chive Popovers. The only changes I made was to add whole wheat flour - and a small test batch just emerged from the oven flawlessly! Baking the rest of the batter tonight, along with a hearty soup, shall make the perfect simple supper, and I'm already confident the leftovers will make a lovely, eggy, buttery treat for our breakfast the next morning!

Occasionally, standing in the kitchen measuring flour, when I should be engaged in other visceral actions such as sleeping, I doubt my sanity... and then I cast such thoughts aside... and happily keep on baking.

Parmesan Chive Popovers

3/4 cup whole wheat flour
3/4 cup all purpose flour
1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese
3 T minced chives
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 1/2 cups low fat milk
3 eggs
2 T light vegan marg or butter, melted

~ Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. Coat 12 muffin cups with cooking spray.
~ Stir together the flours, Parmesan, chives, salt, and pepper, and set aside.
~ Whisk together the milk, eggs, and melted butter or vegan marg, and allow the mixture to sit until it reaches room temp.
~ Gently whisk the wet ingredients into the dry.
~ Spoon the batter into the muffin cups, and bake for 15 minutes. Reduce the oven temp to 350 degrees F, and bake for 20 more minutes - until the popovers are well puffed and browned on top. Serve with a bit of butter or vegan marg...
~ They will deflate a bit after they've been out of the oven for a while, but the leftovers are every bit as delicious heated up in the oven again...


  1. Holy smokes - you definitely deserve lots of R&R time!! Hang in there!!

  2. 60 hours in 4 days?! Is that even legal?! You amaze me, Astra.

    Having just polished off one of your whole wheat biscuits with my soup for lunch, I must say - I love it when you bake! :)

    I concur with the therapeutic properties of baking. The popovers look divine and I have all the ingredients on hand!

  3. Gosh 60 hours in 4 days! You need a break dear...I have never tasted popovers...parmesan with chives sounds pretty good :)

  4. I love a popover! If for no reason other than the name...

  5. I'm glad you got to do some baking. This recipe sounds amazing. I especially love that it uses whole wheat flour. Thanks!

  6. My gosh 15 hours a day? i cant even think of it....

    Popovers sound delicious, perfect tea time snack for me :)

  7. I don't even work that many hours in a week! GAHHH!! These popovers would certainly do the trick to make me feel better :)

  8. Whoa, those are some long hours, I hope you're hanging in there!

    Love your popovers, they look very delicious and comforting - yum!

  9. These look tasty. I'm not sure I've ever had a popover, but boy do I want one now. I love all of the complexity of these, too. I'll bet they are scrumptious.

  10. Havent cooked anything with chives. Muffins look like a perfect ppetizer!

  11. they look gorgeous - when you bake it feels like a real home - I just hope you don't have to work such insane hours regularly

  12. Looks very good! Nice blog.

  13. That's a crazy workload you have there. I've never had a popover, but they lookk delicious!
