
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Banana Brownies

With the Grand Thanksgiving Feast approaching, I've been trying to be especially diligent during the past two weeks with minimalistic grocery shopping, putting to use items in the pantry, clearing space in the freezer, and generally tidying up odds and ends in anticipation of pre-holiday groceries and post-holiday leftovers. Last night, as Zach was playing Dragon Age and I was prepping supper ingredients, I decided to fix us something fun for dessert as we were planning on having an especially light and healthful mixture of steamed veggies and quinoa for dinner. Glancing across the kitchen, two very ripe bananas caught my eye, perched atop a bunch of green bananas in the fruit bowl. At first, I hesitated - we always have on hand an abundance of bananas in varying degrees of ripeness, and in effort to let nothing go to waste I had already made banana bread this week, and banana cookies last week, and I wondered if perhaps we had already exceeded our quota for banana baked goods... Yet still, I persisted. Perhaps... banana brownies?

Gooey, sweet fruit paired with dark chocolate sounded ideal indeed...

Banana Brownies

1 1/4 cup whole wheat flour
1 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
2 T cocoa powder
2 T applesauce
2 T light vegan marg or butter
1/2 cup turbinado sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
2 ripe bananas, mashed
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips

~ Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Coat an 8X8 baking pan with cooking spray.
~ Whisk together the whole wheat flour, all=purpose flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and cocoa powder, and set aside.
~ Cream the applesauce, light vegan marg or butter, and turbinado sugar until well blended.
~ Add the egg, vanilla, and mashed banana to the applesauce mixture, and beat well.
~ Gently stir in the dry ingredients.
~ Fold in the chocolate chips.
~ Pour the batter into the baking pan, and bake for 30 minutes - until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Allow the brownies to cool for a bit to set, and then serve warm or cool, topped with whipped cream, of course... :-)


  1. Mmm, an ideal combination, for sure! Yum :)

  2. The great thing about these is that they are good for you as well!!!!

  3. Hmmm..sounds like you guys need to cut back on your banana purchases! Not that it's bad to use bananas in lots of things, but sometimes I have to force myself to use up food because it's about to go bad, and that is when I take it off my list, or just purchase less.
    Those brownies look so good though, and the idea of banana cookies sounds quite interesting. I love banana in products, as long as it's NATURAL banana flavoring, not nasty fake!

  4. Woow...they look gorgeous!!! Am stop staring at them, praying they pop out of the screen into my mouth :D

  5. Now that sounds heavenly. Slap on some PB and well I'd have to call it a day!

  6. As a huge fan of bananas and chocolate, these look heavenly to me:) Great idea.

  7. I have a question--was the banana taste really noticable? Or is this one of those things like apple sauce where you can't taste it? I ask because I actually like chocolate covered bananas, and was wondering if this would substitute.

    Because of local eating during the summer, I only buy bananas during the winter months, so I'm gearing up for my banana baking

  8. I love how ripening bananas can be used for so many things, looks wonderful!

  9. A great use for those bananas, for sure!

    Hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving! :)

  10. Love the flavor of banana in brownies.Happy thanksgiving!

  11. Just popping in to wish you, Zach, and your whole family a joyous, blessed and Happy Thanksgiving, Astra! Have a wonderful holiday!!!

  12. Oh I can pretend I am eating fruit with this. These look delicious. One I will log in the back of my head.

  13. What a yummy treat! I love bananas, as does my hubby, who always buys too many in hopes that he'll get banana bread :)

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  14. What a great combo! They look delicious!

  15. love the idea of putting Icy on the brownies.. you really give me an idea of a good snacks. THanks
