
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Grilled Cheese Sandwiches with Pickled Red Onions

Having just been contemplating how far removed we seemed from the northern snows, winter weather was the last topic on my mind as I drove to work in the 6AM bleakness yesterday morning. As I'm now working in the OR, which is located in a central and windowless section of the hospital, throughout the afternoon I continued thinking solely of the stats I was entering into a spreadsheet - well, OK, maybe that plus wondering what I should fix for supper, but I certainly wasn't thinking about snow - until 2 of my co-workers returned to the OR from their lunch break, joyously singing "it's snowing, it's snowing!"

"It's what-ing?" I asked, momentarily wondering if my new friends had temporarily taken leave of their senses.

"It's snowing! It's really snowing!"

Sure enough, when I left work that afternoon, real, accumulated snow rose up to great me outside the hospital door, and had arrived in even greater quantities over our house and lawn!

Thankfully, at work our last case of the afternoon had been canceled, as the patient had arrived at the hospital so high on an alarming combination of narcotics and street drugs that she was in no condition to undergo surgery, so we were dispatched home post haste to avoid the majority of the snow on the roads... While I freely admit that our snow is nothing like the two to four feet of snow our friends up north have been shoveling, I will say that even with my snow driving skills acquired during my college days in a snow-filled land my car still slipped and skidded a bit during the journey home, but Zach and I both arrived safely to settle in cozily, open a a lovely Chianti, watch the flurries surround our world, and make grilled cheese sandwiches with pickled red onions... I honestly couldn't imagine a more perfect Friday night!

Grilled Cheese Sandwiches with Pickled Red Onions

*This recipe makes two sandwiches - feel free to change the quantities as needed...

2 red onions, thinly sliced
1 T light vegan margarine or butter
5 T red wine vinegar
2 T raw turbinado sugar
4 slices rustic whole grain bread
2 tsp light vegan margarine or butter
2 oz sliced Monterey Jack Cheese
1 handful baby spinach leaves
1 handful baby arugula

~ To make the pickled onions: In a large skillet over medium-high heat, sprinkle the red onions with salt to taste and saute them in the vegan marg or butter, stirring frequently, for approx 10 to 15 minutes - until they're very limp and beginning to brown. Stir in the vinegar and turbinado sugar and simmer, stirring constantly, until almost all of the liquid is absorbed. Transfer the onions to a storage container, season to taste with salt and pepper, and set them aside to cool. (You'll have some leftover onions for making extra sandwiches, topping salads, etc!)

~ To assemble the sandwiches, spread each slice of bread with 1/2 tsp vegan marg or butter. Place 1 oz cheese on each of two bread, topped with 1/4 cup of pickled onions, 1/2 handful of baby spinach, 1/2 handful of baby arugula, and the remaining two bread slices.
~ Coat a large skillet or grill pan with olive oil cooking spray. Over medium heat, cook the sandwiches until the bread is golden brown and the cheese melts - approx 3 to 5 minutes per side. Slice the sandwiches in half, serve, and savor... :-)


  1. This is a more grownup version of the pickled onion sandwiches I loved as a kid.

  2. Wow! That grilled cheese looks delicious and completely unique!

  3. So you are enjoying the snow :) those grilled cheese sandwiches do look comforting for a snowy it :)

  4. Obviously, I am totally drooling over this sandwich. I love the sweetness of that grilled red onions! AND pickled for tangyness...what a great combo!

  5. Love the pickled onions..sounds fantastic!

  6. that sammy looks awesome!!! I am actually happy to be AWAY from snow, the cold U.S. winter right now, because I am ALWAYS COLD! But I can't lie, it is beautiful and so so peaceful, no?

  7. This looks AMAZING. I seriously love anything that is pickled. My grandma used to make picked beets and eggs for our family reunion. I think I was the only one who went straight to that dish first.

    The snow is so pretty. I can't imagine not having a window to look out of! What a bummer. Hopefully you get to take a couple breaks to get some outside views, I would HAVE to do that!

    Happy Valentine's day to you! I hope it's extra special.

  8. Now that's an awesome grilled cheese! Looks perfect and so comforting to enjoy while it's snowing out!

  9. Crazy snow! The grilled cheese looks rockin' but I am so not sure about the onions. I just don't really like onions, but the pickling of them sounds interesting.

  10. le sandwich aux oignons me semble vraiment savoureux
    bonne journée

  11. Snow always looks so magical (nice pix) when it first falls, before the plows and salt trucks trudge by. I hear more is on the way for you. ; ) Your sandwiches are perfect for this kind of weather, robust flavor and hearty comfort - a bit of the British!

  12. I love grilled cheese sandwiches and am always looking for ways to change it up.
    This looks great!

  13. Oh my! This sandwich sounds delicious! I love the pickled red onions!

  14. Our Slow Food Convivium in Edmonton is doing a Grilled Cheese Smackdown next month! Thanks for the delectable idea!
    Found you through a Blogger Aid colleague. :)

  15. Comfort food on a wanna-snuggle day

  16. Oh my. That looks delicious. I do so love new takes on the classic grilled cheese!

  17. Pickle onion sanwiches sounds tastee.

  18. the snow looks so gorgeous but I don't envy you driving in it - I do however envy the cosy joy of grilled cheese and pickled onion sandwiches in a warm house with snow all around outside
