
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Split Pea, Black Lentil, and Sweet Potato Soup

Well, I can now officially say from personal experience that an EMG/nerve conduction study is Not Particularly Fun. When Zach and I were first shown to the room where the test would be performed, I gestured towards a metal instrument, giggled nervously, and jokingly said "I wonder if he's going to shock me with that cattle prod thing?" - assuming that the medical industry was sufficiently sophisticated to pay at least some attention to equipment aesthetics for the sake of patient reassurance. During the course of my tour of duty in the medical field thus far, I've encountered purple walkers, pink exam gloves, and cheerily bright blue IV pumps, all adding a bit of joy de vivre to otherwise difficult circumstances. I was thus confident that even though a was to be "lightly shocked with an electrical current" during my procedure, surely the instrument in question would at least look mild and unassuming in nature. Apparently my faith in medical equipment design was misplaced, however, because I soon discovered that the doctor was indeed going to shock me with the aforementioned large metal prongs... while simultaneously inserting needles into my spine. As I said, less than pleasant...

The upside, though, is that my test results were normal! I'm allowing myself to breathe a minuscule sigh of relief, although the harsh reality is that the more tests return normal while my symptoms continue to worsen, the more obscure and possibly serious the potential diagnoses become.

Naturally, then, I've been gravitating towards comfort foods lately... For me, soup is the ultimate comfort food - nourishing, warm, creamy, soft, soothing, and often a complete healthful meal all in one bowl. Even though we haven't been having the torrential snows our northern friends are experiencing, it's been chilly enough for me to long for the warming, smokey depths of lentils and beans, and to also long to send a soup pot full of steaming comfort to my friends who are surrounded by snow...

Split Pea, Black Lentil, and Sweet Potato Soup

4 T light, nonhydrogenated vegan margarine
1 onion, chopped
3 celery stalks, thinly sliced
1 cup green split peas
1 cup black lentils
4 cups vegetable broth
2 cups water
2 medium sweet potatoes, cut into 1/2" cubes
1 bay leaf

~ In a large soup pot over medium heat, saute the onion and celery in the light vegan marg until the onions are limp and translucent.
~ Reduce the heat to low, and stir in the green split peas and the black lentils until they're nicely coated with the onion and celery mixture.
~ Stir in the broth, water, sweet potato cubes, and bay leaf, increase the heat to medium-high, and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring frequently.
~ Cover, reduce the heat to low to keep the soup at a simmer, and simmer for 1 to 2 hours, stirring occasionally to make sure the lentils aren't sticking to the bottom (If the lentils do begin to stick, you may need to add some more broth or water).
~ When the split peas, lentils, and sweet potatoes are tender, season to taste with salt and pepper, and serve in a nice big cozy bowl! :-)

On the blog this time last year... Everything Cookies!


  1. Oh wow, that is just really cruel of them to put you in that room with all that "not so fun" equipment. I had a similar experience the other day at my pap exam. They put me in a room with all the equipiment they were using, including an electric current leading to that plastic thing they exam me with. I had honestly never noticed an electric current connected to it before, it freaked me out. It turned out it was a light....haha..oops.

    Not QUITE the same experience as you. I'm so sorry to hear you have yet to get a diagnosis. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Keep enjoying your comfort food, and sharing the results of your creations with us! I LOVED your idea of peanut and almond sauces on sweet potato. I haven't tried that but it sounds amazing!

  2. Oh Astra, I'm so sorry to hear that you had to go through that awful test and they didn't find anything :-( I hope they figure out something soon. I'll keep thinking about you until they do!

  3. Oh Astra...I know how you must feel right now...I too went through similar experiences starting from Doppler to nerve conduction studies for my left leg, everything was normal including the blood work but the pain was persistent...I really hope you feel better have gone through a lot prayers are with you too..take care :) Keep enjoying all your comfort foods :)

  4. I'd have to class it as cruel and unusual punishment as they search for what is medically wrong. Keep up your spirits and continue with these delicious comfort foods.

  5. This looks so thick and cozy. Thank you!

  6. Ugh, Astra, that test sounds like torture pure and simple. I'm still very worried about you and praying for a simple, curable diagnosis ... soon. Hugs!

    As for the soup, I'm a fan of any kind of pea soup ... and this one has two of my other favorite things as well. Love that you've used the lentils and sweet potatoes. Pure comfort in a bowl. Perfect for this snowy winter.

  7. They shouldn't make medical equipment so scary!! I'm glad the test is good, but keep your spirits up they will figure it out!! For now this soup looks totally comforting and has the perfect 3 things in it if you ask me!! Feel better girl, we're all thinking about you!

  8. Yikes, girly, I am sending healthy vibes your way! Getting medical tests is so gruesome.
    And once again, I am dazzled at the delicious looking foods you produce in the presence of high quantities of stress! I can't wait to make this one!

  9. Oh I want it! The soup look soo good and warm. :)

  10. The not-knowing is hard. It is also hard to go through these tests and see how busy people are in the clinics and realise how many people have such problems - I hope you are getting closer to a diagnosis - I am glad that meanwhile you have delicious soup for comfort

  11. c'est mon plat préféré surtout par ce temps de froid
    bonne journée

  12. Oh my gosh, I am so so sorry you had to endure such a test. It brought tears to my eyes to think of you getting shocked. I really hope this is the last of testing for you? I'm so glad you and Zach have each other and your lovely furry friends. Take good care of yourself.

  13. Your soups look delicious!

    Here's a vegetarian/vegan recipe site you might like:

  14. Dear Astra - I'm sorry you are having to endure all this. I had a similar diagnostic experience some years ago for an illness that worked itself out on its own, (the details of which I still can't discuss w/out going white) - you are not alone.

    Promise to eat well (as in this soup), love well (Zach, and your family and friends), and find all kinds of simple comforts in the natural world, like your recent trip to the sea.
