Given my propensity for stuffing massive amounts of spinach and other leafy greens (like this lovely GIANT tat soi above) in my breakfast smoothies, it's astounding that I hadn't thought of adding spinach to other breakfast foods. Admittedly, though, I had been marching stubbornly along having smoothies for my veggie infused breakfasts, until I stumbled across a reference to spinach oatmeal. Sounds horrifying, right? We are inured to the concept of green smoothies, now so ubiquitous to our culture that one can even purchase one while out and about, but green oatmeal? Never one to shun a new food or any sort of new adventure, potentially dangerous or otherwise, I had to give it a try.
Naturally, just as spinach is nearly tasteless in green smoothies, it is also a nearly tasteless and nutritionally powerful addition to oatmeal as well. This recipe is basically green smoothie meets oatmeal, and I have had equally good success adding spinach to the grain free "oatmeal" I adore as well...
So come on, live on the edge. Add some spinach to your breakfast. ;-)
Green Monster Overnight Oatmeal
(Adapted from
1 ripe frozen banana
1.5 tbsp chia seeds
1 cup dairy or non-dairy milk of your choice
1/4 cup rolled oats
1. In a blender, blend together the spinach, banana, chia seeds, and almond milk until smooth.
2. In a bowl, stir together the spinach mixture and oats until combined.
3. Place in fridge overnight. Give it a good stir in the morning and then enjoy it cold, straight from the fridge!
Your so right green smoothies are everywhere these days as well as vegetable of all sort in cakes, even spinach and peas, but this one is new on me and one I will give a go at the weekend when I have more time for breakfast, thanks for sharing