
Monday, June 21, 2010

Corn Salad for the Road

I frequently find myself, as I'm sure we all do, re-framing situations and events in order to make them seem more positive, more intentional, or both. "This isn't a failed gratin, it's a new approach to a baked frittata." "I don't just have a sore throat, I've also been given the opportunity to experiment with new recipes for soft foods." "I may be incapable of drawing a perfectly straight line, but wavy lines are better for whimsical art anyway." "I'm not actually driving 6 hours to only get to see Zach for a couple of hours Saturday and Sunday evenings because he's on call at an out of town hospital all weekend, I'm really going away on vacation!"

All of the above have been true at various occasions in my life, and the latter was indeed the case this very weekend. What I really wanted for this weekend was for either Zach to come home or me to drive to him but then be able to spend the entire weekend with him, but, alas, all too often our desires are denied by needs of everyday reality. However, there are few innocuous crises that a little adventurous re-envisioning can't cure! I shall get to know South Georgia a little better, and, well, a few fleeting hours with my love are far better than none at all. And, since I won't have cooking arrangements at our accommodations and Zach will be having his meals with the other medical students at the hospital, at least I'll have my new favorite salad for company!

Amidst all my gushing about Trader Joe's, I recently discovered yet another favorite product - their corn salsa.

With plentiful tangyness and a slow, yet powerful heat tempered by just a hint of sweetness, corn salsa reoriented my world. In the best of possible ways.

Combined with my favorite summer salad, the classic combination of diced tomatoes and cucumbers, corn salsa brought the whole ensemble to new heights, reminiscent of summer barbecues and beech breezes, even in the humblest of settings...

Although I have to say, Zach's room is rather cozy, and perfectly suited to a quiet moment of studying or blogging.

Dorm room of a medical student on the road...

Indian cuisine, vegetarian chili, baked beans, lentil soup, Trader Joe's Pad Thai, dried fruit and nuts, cereal, and lots of Kashi granola bars - not too shabby for microwave dorm-dining! :-)

The mini-freezer of a medical student on the road... Morningstar Farms vegetarian "chicken nuggets," lots of frozen veggies, and VitaTops! :-)

Returning to the salad at hand, though, while this isn't truly a recipe at all, and only takes two seconds to toss together, I highly recommend trying it this summer, whether with the Trader Joe's corn salsa or with any corn salsa or relish - a black bean and corn salsa would be lovely, for example... Whether you're in the back yard, in your own kitchen, or being a gypsy for the weekend, pack a batch of this salad in a Tupperware and celebrate summer, wherever it may bring you!

Cucumber, Tomato, and Corn Salad

6 small to medium sized tomatoes, diced
2 large cucumbers, diced
4 oz of your favorite corn salsa or corn relish

~ Toss together all the ingredients, and season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve cold, fresh and refreshing!


  1. Driving six hours to see your love for a few hours on the weekend after a week apart is sooo worth it!! :-) I hope you had a wonderful time together.

    Your salad looks simple and delicious!

  2. I'm so glad this corn salsa has your stamp of approval because I have been wanting to try it for so long! But I didn't want to take the plunge until someone recommended it. The salad looks delicious!

  3. Easy and delicious!

    Your freezer is so...clean! You can see everything! Mine needs a lot of help, LOL!

  4. I love your optimism! Very zen glass half full. Can't argue with that.

    This salad sounds delicious and refreshing. I've heard only good things about TJ's corn salsa!

  5. Oh I love all your positive spins on things!! I am positive, but some of those were REALLY positive!

    I need to look for this corn salsa, yum! I was just there today too, darn it.

  6. yum! looks great. i've never seen that salsa at trader joe's but i love their other salsas.

  7. Those photos of the vegetables are great. The colors just pop out at us.

    I love corn thus I would love this simple salad. What a good deal this is, easy and delicious sounding.
