
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Berries with Lemon Zabaglione

Going to a farmers' market is, without a doubt, my foodie equivalent of a fashionista suddenly finding herself on Worth Avenue.

Going to an abundantly equipped farmers' market while in the midst of a reunion with my two college roommates? Definitely my idea of the perfect girls' weekend.

We found a stall with both purple okra (purple okra!! How cool is that?!) and heirloom tomatoes... (some of each followed us home, of course...)

Dancing bouquets of flowers...

Unusual evergreens from a local organic nursery...

More tomatoes...

and nearly every other vegetable imaginable!

Back home, the three of us began planning our evening's menu, while Emily's creative talents also shone as she artfully arranged and photographed a sampling of our morning's bounty...

We each had our aesthetic favorites: Emily fancied the white patty pan squash, I was still enamored with the purple okra, and Lisa was drawn towards the heirloom tomatoes. How fortunate that we were blessed with an evening meal containing all three, plus zucchini, sweet potatoes, and toasted slices of Ezekiel bread, yet another treasure from the farmers market.

Our menu consisted of an orange glazed chicken, most impressively prepared by Lisa, Madhur Jaffrey's Dry Okra, a collaborative effort by Lisa and Emily, and my Chili-Rubbed Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Sauteed Summer Squash with Rosemary.

(Lisa and Emily, cooking purple and green okra!)

And a farmer's market-worthy dessert? The subtle sophistication of berries with lemon zabaglione, courtesy of Lisa and Cooks Illustrated...

Berries with Lemon Zabaglione

* Adapted from the July 2009 edition of Cooks Illustrated *

3 cups mixed fresh berries (we used raspberries, blackberries, and sliced strawberries)
2 tsp sugar
Pinch of salt
3 egg yolks
3 T sugar
2 T dry white wine (we used a Sauvignon Blanc)
1 T lemon juice
1 tsp grated lemon zest
2 tsp raw turbinado sugar
3 T chilled heavy cream

~ Toss the berries, sugar, and salt together in medium bowl. Divide the berry mixture evenly among four 6-ounce gratin dishes set on a rimmed baking sheet. Set berries aside to release their juices while preparing the zabaglione.
~ For the zabaglione, whisk egg yolks, 2 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon granulated sugar, wine, lemon juice, and lemon zest in a medium glass bowl until the sugar is dissolved, about 1 minute. Set the bowl over a saucepan of barely simmering water (the water should not touch the bottom of the bowl) and whisk constantly until the mixture is frothy. Continue to cook, whisking constantly, until mixture is slightly thickened, creamy, and glossy, about 5 to 10 minutes (the mixture will form loose mounds when dripped from the whisk). Remove the bowl from the saucepan and whisk constantly for 30 seconds to cool slightly. Transfer the bowl to the refrigerator and chill until the egg mixture is completely cool, about 10 minutes.
~ Meanwhile, adjust the oven rack 6 to 7 inches from the heating element and heat broiler.
~ Combine the turbinado sugar and remaining 2 teaspoons granulated sugar in small bowl.
~ Whisk the heavy cream until it holds soft peaks, 30 to 90 seconds.
~ Gently fold the whipped cream into the cooled egg mixture.
~ Spoon the zabaglione over the berries, and sprinkle sugar mixture evenly over the zabaglione. Let stand at room temperature for 10 minutes, until the sugar dissolves into the zabaglione.
~ Broil the dishes until the sugar is bubbly and caramelized, usually just for 1 minute. Serve immediately...


  1. The farmers market is just bursting with local produce. What a perfect way to spend some time with the gals!!!

  2. How fun! I love farmers market.I wonder if I could find purple okra here. Do you have any recipes for okra....I don't know how to cook it.
