
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Peach Salad with Smoked Paprika Mojo Dressing

Many apologies for my extended absence, which extended far longer than I had anticipated. I was truly swept away on a glorious wave of wedding planning, followed by a visit this past weekend with my college roommates, Lisa and Emily!! I have much to share about our blissful times browsing farmers' markets and cooking companionably...

Returning to the week previous, though, I have quite a bit of news as well... Indeed, the past week was very exciting. I drove past a strange, space-shuttle looking Thing on the side of the highway that I simply had to photograph...

I spotted a happy family of pigeons perched atop some lovely architecture, also photograph inspiring...

and I know I did something else two weekends ago... Hmmm... Let me think for a bit... Oh yes, that's right, I ordered my wedding dress!!! ;-) (and I simply couldn't resist making the news a bit more dramatic by prolonging the announcement with everyday things such as pigeons... ;-)

Of course, I can't post pictures of the dress yet, since Zach would then see them and the element of surprise would be lost, but I promise lots of wedding photos to come in May! Until then, I can at least share a few of the other things we've decided upon for our wedding thus far... :-)

Mountain views for the backdrop...

Hydrangeas for the bouquets...

and a Bed and Breakfast or lakeside cottage setting for the reception!

I can promise plentiful more wedding-planning details to come... I'm just a little bit excited, as I'm sure you can tell... ;-)

In the meantime, as a first taste of the delicious dishes I learned from Lisa during her visit, I am so excited to share a refreshing, wonderfully versatile sauce that Lisa whipped up impressively to top swordfish steaks, and which I just recreated as a delightful salad dressing - perfect for the farmer's market bounty surrounding us!

Peach Salad with Smoked Paprika Mojo Dressing

1/3 cup olive oil
6 cloves garlic, minced
1/3 cup lemon juice
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp smoked paprika

Several cups of romaine lettuce leaves, coarsely torn (quantity to depend on how many salads you're serving at once)
1 peach per person, cut into 1/2" cubes
1 small tomato per person, diced

~ Whisk together the olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, salt, pepper, cumin, and paprika. This will make a nice quantity of the dressing for future salads, fish, tofu, or anything else you'd like to marinate, drizzle, or dress.
~ To assemble the salad, place a nice quantity of romaine lettuce in each bowl or plate. Top each plate with a cubed peach and a diced tomato, then drizzle with the dressing!


  1. Astra, I am just beaming ear to ear about all of the wedding fun! Honestly, you'd think we were related the way I'm happy for you!! :)

    Enjoy every minute of the wedding planning, it all goes by so quickly. Love the setting, flowers and the b & b / inn for the reception. My brother was married at a charming b & b in Connecticut and it was one of the most beautiful weddings I've ever attended.

    So looking forward to sharing this journey with you via your blog!

    Oh and the peach salad looks incredible. I'm hoping to score some farm fresh peaches when I'm away in CT this weekend ... if so, I'm totally making this!

  2. The salad looks great. Congrats on the wedding dress. I do not blame you for not posting. I am so excited to see what it loos like, much further down the road. I love hydrangeas. They are the traditional flower of the Azores. They are everywhere and used as a decoration or everything. Strangely, they were also the center of my wedding center pieces. And my bouquet flowers grow wild in my yard too, so it a little weird.
    Glad you had a nice time with your college roomies.

  3. you already found your dress! WOW look at you go!!!

  4. The salad looks just great! And I can't wait to see your wedding dress (hmmm. . . how to ensure Zach doesn't see it. . . maybe send photos via email to your adoring readers?) ;) the B&B looks lovely, too!

  5. Yay!! It looks like you're going to have such a lovely wedding - I'm already excited to see your dress!

    The dressing and peaches sound like they compliment each other perfectly too - yum!

  6. So so delighted for the two of you. You already make a beautiful couple. Next step married couple!

    Liking the sound of that paprika mojo dressing too.

  7. mmm spicy smoky peachy - sounds excellent and good luck with your wedding planning - those views are amazing but I know where everyone will be looking :-)
