
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Of Quinoa Pilafs and Tacos

After being away for a month at Lackland Air Force base in Texas, Zach is finally back home!!! I can scarcely put into words how happy I am now that we can once more share with each other our home, our days, and our time in the kitchen together!

We've been sharing cooking duties this week, which has been a treat as well - both to be able to cook for Zach, for which I've been waiting all month, compiling ideas for dishes I know he'll love, and to have the wonderful treat of arriving home from a long day at work on Thursday night to find Zach cooking dinner for us... Darlin', Thank You!!!

Having both of us in the kitchen together once again also provides the delights of two sets of culinary themes and interpretations!

For example...

On Wednesday night, I fixed a remarkably healthy (and incredibly delicious) quinoa and brown rice pilaf.

The following night, Zach fixed lusciously decadent (and incredibly delicious) carne asada tacos.

I think we make a pretty good team... ;-)

Quinoa and Brown Rice Pilaf

4 cups vegetable broth
1/2 cup quinoa (I used red quinoa for a nice color contrast)
1 1/2 cups brown rice
2 T dehydrated onion
2 T light, nonhydrogenated vegan margarine or butter
1 cup shelled peas, fresh or frozen
1/3 cup candied pecans, coarsely chopped
1 tsp smoked paprika
1/4 to 1/2 tsp crushed red pepper flakes (depending on how much heat you like)

~ Bring the broth to a boil, stir in the quinoa, brown rice, and onion, reduce the heat, cover, and simmer until all of the broth has absorbed. Fluff the quinoa and rice with a fork, cover again, and set aside.
~ In a large skillet over medium heat, melt the vegan marg or butter, add the peas, and cook just for a minute or two, until the peas are still very crisp-tender.
~ Stir in the quinoa-rice mixture, candied pecans, smoked paprika, and red pepper flakes. Stir constantly until the quinoa and rice are heated through and a little bit toasted. Season to taste with salt and pepper, and serve warm!

Carne Asada Tacos

5 lbs pork shoulder, cut into 1" cubes OR 5 lb tempeh, cut into 1 1/2" cubes
Cajun seasoning
Garlic powder
3 T canola oil, plus more if using the tempeh
Chicken broth OR vegetable broth
Coca Cola
Whole wheat tortillas, salsa verde, pico de gallo, and shredded cheddar cheese, for serving

~ Season the pork or tempeh cubes to taste with Cajun seasoning, garlic powder, and plentiful cumin.
~ Heat the canola oil in a large Dutch oven or cast iron skillet over medium-high heat, and brown the pork or tempeh cubes in small batches until all of the cubes are very well browned. If you're using the tempeh, you'll need to add more canola oil between each couple of batches or so.
~ Once all the cubes are browned, return them to the Dutch oven or skillet, and add 3 parts broth to 1 part Coca Cola until the cubes are just covered with liquid.
~ Simmer vigorously until most of the liquid is gone. If you're using the tempeh, the cubes will begin to fall apart some, but that's quite alright, everything will still be delicious! Preheat the oven to 425 while simmering off the liquid.
~ Transfer everything to a 9X11 baking dish, and bake for 10 minutes - just to get everything a bit crispy on top.
~ Serve warm, on whole wheat tortillas and topped with salsa verde, pico de gallo, and Cheddar cheese!


  1. I am happy for you now that your husband is there. Make the most of it and blog about your kitchen adventures. Both dishes look very tasty.

  2. Home coming celebrations are the best. So glad to hear it.

    Also, really excited about trying new things with Quinoa, I have a ton in my pantry.:)

  3. Yay, glad Zach is back!! Both these dishes sound so yummy!

  4. I'm happy for you Zach is back. P gets back tomorrow. They really DO travel on the same schedule, don't they?

  5. Nice looking dishes. I am glad Zach is back. I know it can be tough. I know you metioned he was AF, or maybe just military. Ryan is AF, not sure if you knew that. Ryan was at Nellis for most of his time in so far and this is the first overseas assignment. I am enjoying it so far. Enjoy your time back together.

  6. Great dishes! And how nice that you got to enjoy them with your husband!

    I like the idea of using rice and quinoa together. I have never done that... And the carne asada sounds delicious!

  7. yes you two make surely a great team bravo !! Pierre

  8. You guys definitely balance each other out really well! I want to eat both of these dishes! I'm so happy that zach is back home with you.

  9. Love the idea of the quinoa pilaf; but I admit if I had to chose I would go for these tacos!!!! Yummy. Glad your hubby is home.

  10. This looks delicious Astra - glad your hubby is home :)

  11. how wonderful to hear that you and zach are dancing around the kitchen together again - what a beautiful thing - enjoy
