
Friday, September 3, 2010

Roasted Broccoli with Mint

May I digress briefly and discuss the weather? (The topic will return to food momentarily, for certain...) Just a few days ago, uncannily close to when schools returned to session, the temperatures dipped slightly. Not significantly, just into the low 80's in the day and 60's at night, perfectly lovely weather, actually, generally agreed upon as far more desirable than our usual upper-90's Summer heat, but I viewed the subtle meteorological shift with Great Alarm. Firstly, this is the South, we aren't supposed to have cooler temperatures until well into Fall, and Summer is most definitely still in season on paper, so what on earth, I muttered to myself, is the weather doing cooling down already? Secondly, as much as I love Autumn harvest recipes and the glorious excuse to use cinnamon in every possible incarnation, cold weather causes me Great Distress. I've been known to wear sweaters in 70-degree weather, so you can imagine how I react to our positively frigid Southern winters that dare to plunge into the 40's. I watch the weather with all the trepidation of a first-time politician eying polling stats. If the weather rockets over 100 degrees, I'm still relaxed and content. The onset of cooler temperatures, however... Let's just say the polls aren't exactly tuned in my favor the next two seasons ahead.

So, what did I do as the Canadian Geese migrated overhead yesterday? Soon, I will remind myself how much I love winter squashes, sweet potatoes, and cabbages, and I will find calm and contentment once more in the cycle of the seasons. For now, though, I marshaled the herb garden in protest, and cooked something with mint. Roasted broccoli with mint, to be exact. Because mint, fresh, crisp, jaunty and soothing all at once, reminds me of summer... and I still have 19 days left to cherish.

Roasted Broccoli with Mint

8 cups broccoli florets
Olive oil cooking spray
2 T olive oil
2 T apple cider vinegar
1/2 tsp finely minced fresh mint or 1/4 tsp dried
1/8 cup finely minced fresh parsley

~ Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.
~ Mist the broccoli florets with olive oil cooking spray, then toss with salt and pepper to taste.
~ Spread the florets in a single layer on a baking sheet, and roast on the upper rack of the oven for 15 to 20 min, turning once, until tender and lightly browned on the outside.
~ Meanwhile, whisk together the olive oil, cider vinegar, mint, and parsley, along with salt and pepper to taste.
~ When the broccoli has finished roasting, transfer the florets to a large bowl, drizzle with the vinaigrette, and toss gently to coat. Serve warm!


  1. You certainly may digress and talk about the weather :D

    I'm tryng to think here, have I ever had broccoli with mint....mmmm...don't think so

  2. Mint is such a refreshing flavor -- reminds me of summer too! I've never had it with broccoli but it sounds delicious!

  3. I say YES to the broccoli and a big NO to the mint. Sadly, I am allergic and my mouth would swell shut. Nothing like big fat swollen lips. In fact, it is so bad now that I can't sit next to anyone chewing mint gum. My lips even swell up them. I had my eyes swell up and lips once sitting next to someone making tea that had peppermint in it. It's bad!

  4. Broccoli is my favorite but I haven't had it with mint before so I'll have to try it!
